: Sonia Gandhi, By Dr. Subramanian Swamy
Do You Know Your Sonia? By Dr. Subramanian Swamy
Ms. Sonia Gandhi's background as is publicized by her and her Congress Party today, is based on three lies to hide the ugly reality of her life.
First, her real name is Antonia not Sonia.
The Italian Ambassador in New Delhi revealed this in a letter dated April 27, 1983 to the Union Home Ministry which letter has not been made public.
Antonia is Sonia's real name in her birth certificate.
Sonia is the name given to her subsequently by her father, Stefano Maino [now deceased] following his return from Russia where he had been a prisoner of war.
Stefano had joined the Nazi army as a volunteer.
Sonia is a Russian not Italian name.
While spending two years in a Russian jail, Sonia's father had become quite pro-Soviet; especially after the liberating US army in Italy had confiscated all fascists' properties including his.
Second, she was not born in Orbassano as she claims in her bio data submitted to Parliament on becoming MP, but in Luciana as stated in her birth certificate.
She perhaps would like to hide the place of her birth because of her father's connection with the Nazis and Mussolini's Fascists,
and her family's continuing connections with the Nazi-Fascists underground that is still surviving since 1945 in Italy.
Luciana is where Nazi-Fascist network is headquartered, and is on the Italian-Swiss border.
There can be no other explanation for this otherwise meaningless lie.
Third, Sonia Gandhi has not studied beyond High School.
She has falsely claimed in her affidavit filed as a contesting candidate before the Rae Bareli Returning Officer in the 2004 Lok Sabha elections, that she qualified and got a diploma inEnglish from the prestigious University of Cambridge, UK.
The truth is that Ms. Gandhi has never studied in any college anywhere.
She did go to a Catholic nun run seminary-school called Maria Ausiliatrice in Giaveno [15 kms from adopted home town of Orbassabo]. Poverty those days forced young Italian girls to go to such missionaries and then in their teens go to UK to get jobs as cleaning maids, waitresses and au pair.
The Mainos were poor those days.
Her father was a mason and mother a share cropper. Sonia thus went to the town of Cambridge and first learnt some English in a teaching shop called Lennox School [which has since 1970 been wound up].
That is all her "education" is--learnt enough English language to get domestic help jobs.
But in Indian society education is highly valued. Thus, to fool the Indian public, Sonia Gandhi willfully fibbed about her qualifications in Parliamentary records [which is a Breach of Ethics Rules] and in a sworn affidavit [which is criminal offence under IPC, severe enough to disqualify her from being MP]. In popular parlance, this is >called 420 or 10 "numberi" [not to be confused with 10 Janpath].
These three lies indicate that Ms. Sonia Gandhi has something to hide, or has a hidden agenda for India. We need to find out more about her.
III Ms. Sonia Gandhi upon learning enough English became a waitress in Varsity Restaurant in Cambridge town.
She first met Rajiv when he came to the restaurant in 1965.
Rajiv was a student in the University, but could not cope with the academic rigour for long.
So he had to depart in 1966 for London where he was briefly in Imperial College of Engineering as a student.
Sonia too moved to London, and according my information, got a job with an outfit run by Salman Thassir, a debonair Pakistani based in Lahore, and who has a export-import company headquartered in Dubai but who spends most of his time in London.
This fits the profile of an ISI functionary. Obviously, Sonia made enough money in this job to loan Rajiv funds in London, who was obviously living beyond his allowances [Indira herself expressed anguish to me on this score in late 1965 when she invited me to a private tea at the Guest House in Brandeis University]. Rajiv's letters to Sanjay, who was also in London then, clearly indicate that he was in financial debt to Sonia because he requested Sanjay who obviously had more access to money, to pay off the debt.
However, Rajiv was not the only friend Sonia was seeing those days.
Madhavrao Scindia and a German by name Stiegler are worth mentioning as other good friends of Sonia.
Madhavrao's friendship continued even after Sonia's marriage to Rajiv.
Scindia in 1982 was involved in a traffic accident near IIT, Delhi main gate while driving a car at 2 AM. Sonia was the only other passenger. Both were badly injured. A student of IIT who was burning midnight oil was out for a cup of coffee. He picked them up from the car, hailed an auto rickshaw and sent an injured Sonia to Mrs Indira Gandhi's house since she insisted in not going to a hospital. Madhavrao had broken a leg and in too much pain to make any demand. He was taken to hospital by the Delhi Police who had arrived a little after Sonia had left the scene.
In later years, Madhavrao had become privately critical of Sonia, and told some close friends about his apprehensions about Sonia. It is a pity that he died in mysterious circumstances in an aircrash.
The circumstance under which Rajiv hastily married Sonia in a Church in Orbassano is controversial but that was his personal matter that has no public significance.
But what is of public significance is that Indira Gandhi who was initially dead set against the marriage for reasons known to her, relented to hold a registry marriage with Hindu ceremonial trappings in New Delhi only after the pro-Soviet T.N. Kaul prevailed upon her to accept the marriage in "the larger interest of cementing Indo-Soviet Friendship".
Kaul would not have intervened unless the Soviet Union had asked him to. IV Such has been the extensive patronage from the beginning extended to Sonia Gandhi from the Soviets. When a Prime Minister of India's son dates a girl in London, the KGB which valued Indo-Soviet relations, obviously would investigate her and find out that she was the daughter of Stefano, their old reliable Italian contact.
Thus, Sonia with Rajiv meant deeper access to the household of the Indian Prime Minister. Hence cementing the Rajiv-Sonia relations was in the Soviet national interest and they went to work on it.
And they did through their then existing moles in the Indira Gandhi camp.
After her marriage to Rajiv, the Soviet connection with the Mainos was fortified and nurtured by generous financial help through commissions and kickbacks on every Indo,Soviet trade deal and defence purchases. According to the respected Swiss magazine, Schweitzer Illustrate [November 1991 issue], Rajiv Gandhi had about $ 2 billion in numbered Swiss bank accounts,which Sonia inherited upon his assassination.
Dr. Yevgenia Albats, Ph.D [Harvard], is a noted Russian scholar and journalist, and was a member of the KGB Commission set up by President Yeltsin in August 1991. She was privy to the Soviet intelligence files that documented these deals and KGB >facilitation of the same. In her book,The State Within a State. The KGB in Soviet Union, she even gives the file numbers of such intelligence files, which can now be accessed by any Indian government through a formal request to the Kremlin. The Russsian Government in 1992 was confronted by the Albats' disclosure; they confirmed it through their official spokesperson to the press [which was published in Hindu in 1992], defending such financial payments as necessary in "Soviet ideological interest".
When the Soviet Union disintegrated in 1991, things changed for Ms. Sonia Gandhi. Her patrons evaporated. The rump that became Russia was in a financial mess and disorder.
So Ms. Sonia Gandhi became a supporter of another communist country to the annoyance of the Russians. The national security ramification of this 'annoyance' is now >significant: The President of Russia today is Putin, a former dyed-in-the-wool KGB officer.
Upon Dr. Manmohan Singh's government taking office, Russia called back it's career diplomat Ambassador in New Delhi and immediately posted as the new Ambassador a person who was the KGB station chief in New Delhi during the 1970s.
In view of Dr. Albats confirmed >revelation, it stands to reason that the new Ambassador would have known first hand about Sonia's connections with the KGB. He may have in fact been >her "controller". The new Indian government which is defacto Sonia's, cannot afford to annoy him or even disregard Russian demands coming from him? They will obviously placate him so as not to risk exposure.
Is this not a major national security risk and a delicate matter for the nation? Of course, all Indians would like good normal and healthy relations with Russia.
Who can forget their assistance to us in times of need? Today's Russia is the residual legatee of that Soviet Union which helped India. But just because of that, should we tolerate those in our government set up having clandestine links with a foreign spy agency?
In the United States, the government did not tolerate an American spying for Israel even though the two countries are as close as any two countries can be.
National security and friendship are as different as chalk and cheese.
In December 2001, I had filed a Writ Petition in the Delhi High Court with the photocopies of the KGB documents, and sought a CBI investigation, which the Vajpayee Government was refusing. Earlier, Minister of State for CBI, Vasundara Raje [now Rajasthan CM], on my letter dated March 3, 2001, had ordered the CBI to investigate.
But after Sonia Gandhi and her party stalled the proceedings of Parliament on this issue, the then Prime Minister Vajpayee cancelled Vasundara's direction to the CBI.
The Delhi High Court issued a direction to the CBI to ascertain from Russia the truth of my charges. The CBI procrastinated for three years, and finally told the Court without an FIR registered the Russians will not entertain any such query. But who stopped the CBI from registering an FIR? The next hearing of the case is on September 8th.> ---------> V>
After Sonia married Rajiv, she went about minting money with scant regard for Indian laws and treasures. Within a few years the Mainos went from utter poverty to billionaires.
There was no area that was left out for the rip-off. On November 19, 1974, as fresh entrant to Parliament, I asked the then Prime Minister Ms. Indira Gandhi on the floor of the House if her daughter-in-law, Sonia Gandhi was acting as an insurance agent of a public sector insurance company [Oriental Fire & Insurance], giving the Prime Minister's official residence as her business address, and using undue influence to insure all the officers of the PMO while remaining an Italian citizen [thus violating FERA]?
There was uproar in Parliament, but Mrs. Indira Gandhi had no alternative but to cut her losses. She made a rare >admission that it was so, and that it was by mistake, but that Sonia had >resigned from her insurance agent status [after my question]. But Sonia was >incorrigible. Her contempt for Indian law continued to manifest.
The Justice A.C. Gupta Commission set up by the Janata Party government in 1977 came out with a voluminous report on the Maruti Company then owned by the Gandhi family, and has listed eight violations of FERA, Companies >Act, and Foreigners Registration Act by Sonia Gandhi. She was never >prosecuted, but can be still prosecuted because under Indian law, economic >crimes not subject to the statute of limitation.
In January 1980, Indira Gandhi returned as Prime Minister. The first thing Sonia did was to enroll herself as a voter. This was a gross violation of the law, enough to cause cancellation of her visa [since she was admittedly an Italian citizen then]. There was some hullabaloo in the >press about it, so the Delhi Chief Electoral Officer got her name deleted >in 1982. But in January 1983, she again enrolled herself as a voter! Such >is her revealed disdain for Indian laws and that is her mindset even today.> VI The bottom line observed in Sonia's mindset is that she can always run back to Italy if she becomes vulnerable at anytime. In Peru, President Fujimori who all along claimed to be "born Peruvian", faced with a >corruption charge fled to Japan with his loot and reclaimed his Japanese >citizenship.>
In 1977, when the Janata Party defeated the Congress at the polls, and
the government, Sonia with her two children, abandoned Indira Gandhi
and ran to the Italian Embassy in New Delhi and hid there. Rajiv Gandhi was >a government servant then [as an Indian Airlines pilot], but he too tagged >along and hid in that foreign embassy ! Such was her baneful influence on >him. Rajiv did snap out Sonia's influence after 1989, but alas he was >assassinated before he could rectify it.
Those close to Rajiv knew that he was planning set things right about Sonia after the 1991 elections. She did too know of it because he had told her. Ever wonder why Sonia's closest advisers are those whom Rajiv literally hated?
Ambika Soni is one such name. Ever wonder why she asked the President of India to set aside, on a mercy petition, the Supreme Court judgment directing that Rajiv Gandhi's LTTE killers be hanged to death, when she was not similarly moved for >Satwant Singh who killed Indira Gandhi or recently for Dhanajoy Chattopadhyaya?
The explanation for this special consideration for the LTTE lies in what Rajiv had told her in 1990. Those who have no love for India will not hesitate to plunder her treasures. Mohammed Ghori, Nadir Shah, and the British scum in the East India Company made no secret of it.
But Sonia Gandhi has been more discreet, but as greedy, in her looting of Indian treasures. When Indira >Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi were PrimeMinisters, not a day passed when the PM's >security did not go to the New Delhi, or Chennai international airport to >send crates and crates unchecked by customs to Rome. Air India and Alitalia >were the carriers. Mr. Arjun Singh first as CM, later as Union Minister in >charge of Culture was her hatchet man. Indian temple sculpture of gods and >goddesses, antiques, pichwai paintings, shatoosh shawls, coins, and you >name it, were transported to Italy to be first displayed in two shops owned >by her sister [ i.e., Anuskha alias Alessandra]. These shops located in >blue-collar areas of Rivolta [shop name: Etnica] and Orbassano [shop >name:Ganpati] did little business because> which blue collar Italian wants Indian antiques? The shops were to make >false bills, and thereafter these treasures were taken to London for >auction by Sotheby's and Christies. Some of this ill-gotten money from >auction went into Rahul Gandhi's National way into the Gandhi family >account in the Bank of America in Cayman Islands. Rahul's expenses and tuition fees for the one-year he was at Harvard, was paid from the Cayman Island account. What kind of people are these Gandhi-Mainos that bite the very hand of Bharat Mata that fed them and gave them a good life?
How can the nation trust such greedy thieves? Since I failed to persuade the Vajpayee government to defend India's treasures from plunder by the Mainos, I approached the Delhi High Court in a PIL.
The first Bench of the court issued notice to the Government, but since the Indian government dragged it's feet, the Court directed the CBI to seek Interpol's and Italian government's help. The Italian government justifiably asked for a Letter Rogatory for which a FIR is a pre-requisite.
But the Interpol did oblige and submitted two voluminous reports, which the Court directed the CBI to hand over to me. But CBI has refused, and has claimed privilege! The CBI has also been caught lying in court by telling the judges that Alessandra Maino is a name of a man, and Via Bellini 14, Orbassano is a name of a village [not the street address of the Maino's residence].
Although the CBI counsel had to apologise to the court stating he made a mistake, he has been promoted to Additional Solicitor General by the new government! The Vajpayee-Sonia mutual assistance pact is in full view. The case now comes up on September 8th. But the most sinister aspect of Sonia Gandhi's character is her connection with terrorists. I am still working on it, but she has had long >connection with the Habash group of Palestinian, and has funded Palestinian >families that lost their kith and kin in a suicide bombing or hijacking >episode.
This, Rajiv Gandhi himself told me and was confirmed to me [the funding] by Yassir Arafat when I met him in Tunis on October 17, 1990 at the request of Rajiv Gandhi. Rajiv Gandhi and I were good friends from >1978, but became very close buddies after V.P. Singh had betrayed him in >1987. We met practically every day, mostly in the early hours from 1AM to 4AM. It was at my suggestion that he made Chandrashekhar the PM. And >contrary to public impression, he was not mainly responsible for the fall >of Chandrashekar government in which I was a Minister. Besides the Palestinian extremists, the Maino family have had extensive business dealings with Saddam Hussein, and surprisingly with the LTTE ["the >Tamil Tigers"] since 1984.
Sonia's mother Paola Predebon Maino, and businessman Ottavio Quattrocchi were the main contacts with the Tigers. The mother used the LTTE for money laundering and Quattrocchi for selling >weapons to earn commissions.> Sonia's conduit to the LTTE has been and is through Arjun Singh who uses >Bangalore as the nodal point for contact. There is a string of >circumstantial evidence pointing to the prima facie possibility that the Maino family may have contracted the LTTE to kill Rajiv Gandhi. The family may have assured the LTTE that nothing would happen to them because they could ensure it is blamed on the Sikhs or the evidence so much fudged that no court would convict them. But D.R. Karthikeyan of the CBI who led the SIT investigation got the support of Narasimha Rao and cracked the case, and got the LTTE convicted in the trial court, and which conviction was upheld in the Supreme Court.
Although on the involvement of Congress Party in the assassination, DRK soft peddled on a number of leads perhaps because he did not want political >controversy to put roadblocks on his investigation as a whole. The Justice >J. S. Verma Commission, which was set up as the last official act of the Chandrashekhar government before demitting office on June 21, 1991, did find that the Congress leaders had disrupted the security arrangements for the Sriperumbudur meeting.
The Commission wanted further probe into it but the Rao government rejected that demand. In the meantime under Sonia's pressure, the Jain Commission was set up by the Rao government, which tried to muddy the waters and thus exonerate the LTTE. But the trial court judgment convicting the LTTE came earlier, and that sinister effort too failed. Nowadays, Sonia is quite unabashed in having political alliance with those who praise Rajiv Gandhi's killers. No Indian widow would ever do that.
My investigations into Sonia's involvement in Rajiv's assassination is therefore still on. I am also author of a best seller titled Assassination Of Rajiv Gandhi,Unasked Questions and Unanswered Queri
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Know the facts on these structures in India
1. Name of the structure:Quwwat al-Islam MasjidLocation: Delhi in Uttar Pradesh Inscription:
"This fort was conquered and the Jami Masjid built in the year 587 by the Amir(*), the great, the gloriuous commander of the Army, Qutub-ud-daula wad-din, the Amir-ul-umara Aibeg , the slave of the Sultan, may Allah strengthen his helperes. The materials of 27 idol temples, on each of which 2,000,000 Delhiwals(** ) had been spent were used in the construction of the mosque."
*The Amir mentioned above was Qutubud-Din Aibak, slave of Muhammed Ghori. **"Delhiwal" was a high denomination coin current at that time in Delhi.
2. Name of the structure:Mansuri MasjidLocation: Vijapur in GujratInscription:
"The Blessed and Exalted Allah says, 'And verily, mosques are for Allah only; hence invoke not anyone else with Allah.' This edifice was originally built by the infidels. After the advent of Islam, it was converted into a mosque.
Sermon was delivered here for sixty-seven years. Due to the sedition of the infidels, it was again destroyed. When during the reign of the Sultan of the time, Ahmad, the affairs of each Iqta attained magnificence, Bahadur, the Sarkhail, once again carried out repairs. Through the generosity of Divine munificence, it became like new."
3. Name of the structure:Masjid at ManviLocation: Manvi in KarnatakaInscription:
"Praise be to Allah that by the decree of the Parvardigar, a mosque has been converted out of a temple as a sign of religion in the reign of the world- conquering emperor, the Sultan who is the asylum of the Faith and the possessor of the crown, who's kingdom is young, viz. Firuz Shah Bahmani, who is the cause of Exuberant spring in the garden of religion, Adu'l-Fath the king who conquered. After the victory of the emperor, the chief of chiefs, Safdar (the valiant commander) of the age, received the fort. The builder of this noble place of prayer is Muhammad Zahir Aqchi, the pivot of the Faith. He constructed in the year 809 from the Migration of the Chosen (prophet Muhammdad) this Ka'ba like momento."
4. Name of the structure:Mausoleum of Shykh 'Abdullah Shah ChangalLocation: Dhar in Madhya PradeshInscription:
"The centre became Muhammadan first by him(*) (and) all the banners of religion were spread... This lion-man came from the centre of religion to this old temple with a large force. He broke the images of the false deities, and turned the idol temple into a mosque. When Rai Bhoj saw this, through wisdom he embraced Islam with the family of his brave warriors(**) . This quarter became illuminated by the light of the Muhammadan law, and the customs of the infidels became obsolete and abolished."
*Shykh 'Abdullah Shah Changal **In this case the Hindu King was Bhoj II and during his reign Jalalu'd-Din Khalji (AD 1290-1296) of Delhi invaded Malwa. Changal was the Muslim missionary who accompanied Khalji's army. This army after plundering and looting the kingdom of Bhoj II converted a Hindu temple into a mosque and forced the ruler and his subjects to accept Islam.
5. Name of the structure:Jami' MasjidLocation: Malan in GujratInscription:
"...(The Prophet), on him be peace, says 'He who builds a mosque in the world, the Exalted Allah builds for him a palace in Paradise.' In the auspicious time of the government and peaceful time of Mahmud Shah, son of Muhammad Shah, the sultan, the Jami', mosque was constructed on the hill of the fort of Malun (or Malwan) by Khan-i-Azam Ulugh Khan...at the request of the thandar Kabir, (son of Diya), the building was constructed by the son of Ulugh Khan who is magnimonius, just, generous, brave and who suppressed the wrteched infidels.
He eradicated the idol-houses and mine of infidelity, along with the idols... with the edge of his sword, and made ready this edifice... He made its walls and doors out of the idols; the back of every stone became the place for prostration of the believer..."
6. Name of the structure:Jami' MasjidLocation: Amod in GujratInscription:
"Allah and His grace. When divine favour was bestowed on Khalil Shah, he constructed the Jami' Masjid for the decoration of Islam; he ruined the idol-house and temple of the polytheists, (and) completed the Masjid and pulpit in its place. Without doubt, his building was accepted by Allah."
7. Name of the structure:Shrine of Shah MadarLocation: Narwar in Mdhya pradeshInscription:
"Dilawar Khan, the chief among the king's viceroys, caused this mosque to built which is like a place of shelter for the favourites. Infidelity has been subdued, and Islam has triumphed because of him. The idols have bowed to him and the temples have been razed to the ground along with their foundations, and mosques and worship houses are flowing with riches."
8. Name of structure:Hamman Darwaza MasjidLocation: Jaunpur in Uttar PradeshInscription:
"Thanks by the guidance of Everlasting and the Living Allah, this house of infidelity became the niche of prayer. As a reward for that, the Generous Lord constructed an abode for the builder in paradise..."
9. Name of structure:Jami MasjidLocation: Ghoda in MaharashtraInscription:
"O Allah O Muhammed ! O Ali ! When Mir Muhammed Zaman made up his mind, he opened the door of prosperity on himself by his own hand. He demolished thirty-three idol temples and by divine grace laid the foundation of a building in the abode of predition."
10. Name of structure:Gachinala MasjidLocation: Kurnool District of Andhra PradeshInscription:
"He is Allah, may be glorified..During the august rule of...Muhammed Shah, there was a well established idol-house in Kuhmum...Muhammed Salih...razed to the ground, the edifice of the idol-house and broke the idols in a manly fashion. He constructed on its site a suitable mosque, towering above the building of all."
The above was a presentation of inscriptions on mosques and other Islamic structures in India. These inscriptions, as you clearly read, glorify and justify the acts of the barbaric Muslim invaders by invoking Allah and the Koran.
Thus this leads us to the conclusion that Islam openly supports the criminal acts of loot, plunder, rape, murder, torment, torture and destruction! !
"This fort was conquered and the Jami Masjid built in the year 587 by the Amir(*), the great, the gloriuous commander of the Army, Qutub-ud-daula wad-din, the Amir-ul-umara Aibeg , the slave of the Sultan, may Allah strengthen his helperes. The materials of 27 idol temples, on each of which 2,000,000 Delhiwals(** ) had been spent were used in the construction of the mosque."
*The Amir mentioned above was Qutubud-Din Aibak, slave of Muhammed Ghori. **"Delhiwal" was a high denomination coin current at that time in Delhi.
2. Name of the structure:Mansuri MasjidLocation: Vijapur in GujratInscription:
"The Blessed and Exalted Allah says, 'And verily, mosques are for Allah only; hence invoke not anyone else with Allah.' This edifice was originally built by the infidels. After the advent of Islam, it was converted into a mosque.
Sermon was delivered here for sixty-seven years. Due to the sedition of the infidels, it was again destroyed. When during the reign of the Sultan of the time, Ahmad, the affairs of each Iqta attained magnificence, Bahadur, the Sarkhail, once again carried out repairs. Through the generosity of Divine munificence, it became like new."
3. Name of the structure:Masjid at ManviLocation: Manvi in KarnatakaInscription:
"Praise be to Allah that by the decree of the Parvardigar, a mosque has been converted out of a temple as a sign of religion in the reign of the world- conquering emperor, the Sultan who is the asylum of the Faith and the possessor of the crown, who's kingdom is young, viz. Firuz Shah Bahmani, who is the cause of Exuberant spring in the garden of religion, Adu'l-Fath the king who conquered. After the victory of the emperor, the chief of chiefs, Safdar (the valiant commander) of the age, received the fort. The builder of this noble place of prayer is Muhammad Zahir Aqchi, the pivot of the Faith. He constructed in the year 809 from the Migration of the Chosen (prophet Muhammdad) this Ka'ba like momento."
4. Name of the structure:Mausoleum of Shykh 'Abdullah Shah ChangalLocation: Dhar in Madhya PradeshInscription:
"The centre became Muhammadan first by him(*) (and) all the banners of religion were spread... This lion-man came from the centre of religion to this old temple with a large force. He broke the images of the false deities, and turned the idol temple into a mosque. When Rai Bhoj saw this, through wisdom he embraced Islam with the family of his brave warriors(**) . This quarter became illuminated by the light of the Muhammadan law, and the customs of the infidels became obsolete and abolished."
*Shykh 'Abdullah Shah Changal **In this case the Hindu King was Bhoj II and during his reign Jalalu'd-Din Khalji (AD 1290-1296) of Delhi invaded Malwa. Changal was the Muslim missionary who accompanied Khalji's army. This army after plundering and looting the kingdom of Bhoj II converted a Hindu temple into a mosque and forced the ruler and his subjects to accept Islam.
5. Name of the structure:Jami' MasjidLocation: Malan in GujratInscription:
"...(The Prophet), on him be peace, says 'He who builds a mosque in the world, the Exalted Allah builds for him a palace in Paradise.' In the auspicious time of the government and peaceful time of Mahmud Shah, son of Muhammad Shah, the sultan, the Jami', mosque was constructed on the hill of the fort of Malun (or Malwan) by Khan-i-Azam Ulugh Khan...at the request of the thandar Kabir, (son of Diya), the building was constructed by the son of Ulugh Khan who is magnimonius, just, generous, brave and who suppressed the wrteched infidels.
He eradicated the idol-houses and mine of infidelity, along with the idols... with the edge of his sword, and made ready this edifice... He made its walls and doors out of the idols; the back of every stone became the place for prostration of the believer..."
6. Name of the structure:Jami' MasjidLocation: Amod in GujratInscription:
"Allah and His grace. When divine favour was bestowed on Khalil Shah, he constructed the Jami' Masjid for the decoration of Islam; he ruined the idol-house and temple of the polytheists, (and) completed the Masjid and pulpit in its place. Without doubt, his building was accepted by Allah."
7. Name of the structure:Shrine of Shah MadarLocation: Narwar in Mdhya pradeshInscription:
"Dilawar Khan, the chief among the king's viceroys, caused this mosque to built which is like a place of shelter for the favourites. Infidelity has been subdued, and Islam has triumphed because of him. The idols have bowed to him and the temples have been razed to the ground along with their foundations, and mosques and worship houses are flowing with riches."
8. Name of structure:Hamman Darwaza MasjidLocation: Jaunpur in Uttar PradeshInscription:
"Thanks by the guidance of Everlasting and the Living Allah, this house of infidelity became the niche of prayer. As a reward for that, the Generous Lord constructed an abode for the builder in paradise..."
9. Name of structure:Jami MasjidLocation: Ghoda in MaharashtraInscription:
"O Allah O Muhammed ! O Ali ! When Mir Muhammed Zaman made up his mind, he opened the door of prosperity on himself by his own hand. He demolished thirty-three idol temples and by divine grace laid the foundation of a building in the abode of predition."
10. Name of structure:Gachinala MasjidLocation: Kurnool District of Andhra PradeshInscription:
"He is Allah, may be glorified..During the august rule of...Muhammed Shah, there was a well established idol-house in Kuhmum...Muhammed Salih...razed to the ground, the edifice of the idol-house and broke the idols in a manly fashion. He constructed on its site a suitable mosque, towering above the building of all."
The above was a presentation of inscriptions on mosques and other Islamic structures in India. These inscriptions, as you clearly read, glorify and justify the acts of the barbaric Muslim invaders by invoking Allah and the Koran.
Thus this leads us to the conclusion that Islam openly supports the criminal acts of loot, plunder, rape, murder, torment, torture and destruction! !
Save Temples Of India
GHHF] Amendment to Endowment Act Passed -
Freed 30,000 Temples from the AP government Control;
Fight Continues to Free all Hindu Temples Significant VICTORY for Hindu Devalaya Parirakshana Samithi and Global Hindu Heritage Foundation, November 19, 2007.
Dear Friends: It is every Hindu's responsibility to fight for justice, fairness, equality, freedom, independence from the government control of Hindu Temples, their lands and revenues.
The Temples should be allowed to be managed by the Hindus themselves.
The outrageous discrimination against Hindu must stop. Hindu should take full responsibility to manage their Temples.
Every single action counts. Every single person can bring change if we have commitment, faith and determination. We should not be disheartened with roadblocks and hurdles as we take up any task to bring about changes.
Success would not come easy. It only comes through hard work, perseverance, patience, resolve, and endurance. Let us all resolve ourselves to do some thing to bring change.
As Edward Everett Hale says: I am only one,But still I am one.I cannot do everything,But still I can do something; And because I cannot do everything I will not refuse to do the something that I can do .
It is our dharma (duty) to protect the impending danger to Hinduism from within and without.
By ignoring and being indifferent, we are encouraging the injustice to prevail, evil to take it's roots, and authoritarianism to prevail in the society.
Our greatest treasure, Ramayana talks about our responsibility in Ayodhya Kanda as follows:
If we not fulfill our duty "the ignoble would resemble the noble, and he who is devoid of honor would resemble a man of integrity; he who is unworthy would be deemed worthy and he who is depraved would be considered to be a man of virtue.
Hinduism. Ramayana, Ayodhya Kanda 109. The Passage of the Amendment November 19, 2007. The Andhra Pradesh Charitable and Hindu Religious Institutions and Endowments (amendment) bill moved by Endowments Minister J Rathnakar Rao was passed unanimously (UNI reports). The Andhra Pradesh State Assembly has unanimously passed the Temple Amendment Bill "Hindu Endowments Act" (Devadaya Savarana Bill).
Over 30,000 temples that are seeking Deepam (lamp) and Naivedyam (offering to God) are now out of the control of the Endowment Department (Devalaya Shaka), Andhra Pradesh government.
Even the temples with income less than Rupees 2 Lakhs per annum are released from their control.
It is for the first time in India that a Dharmic Parishat, an autonomous body consisting of heads of Mathas and Pithas along with Dharmic thought leaders will take charge of the temple affairs.
This is a grand victory for the Hindu Devalaya Parirakshana Samithi (HDPS) and its supporters. Incidentally this has occured on the day that Sri Kamal Kumar and his entourage has reached Hyderabad on this padayatra. This is proof that the Lord himself has participated in this padayatra.
This padayatra originated in Basra, Adilabad District (a border town of Mahrashtra and Andhra Pradesh) and will complete at Tirumala-Tirupathi Devasthanam, Chitoor District.
The padayatra has covered 760 temples, 6 districts and 1400 kilometers over the past 66 days. He has met over 300,000 people on this padayatra so far.
This mail is being sent on behalf of Sri Kamal Kumar Machavolu, General Secretary, Hindu Devalaya Parirakshana Samithi. About Sri Kamal Kumar: Sri Kamal Kumar has been spearheading the effort to bring awareness amongst the Hindus, and a change of mind in the government with matters governing the Hindu temples. This padayatra has reached many hearts and woken us from the slumber. Hindu Devalaya Parirakshana Samithi is supported by several enthusiasts in India, USA, Canada, UK and other countries. (Please read below how the Employees tried to oppose it) Employees of Endowment Department Opposed http://www.hindu. com/2007/ 11/18/stories/ 2007111853290400 .htm
HYDERABAD: November 18, 2007. Employees of the Endowments Department, serving temples and other religious establishments in the State, went on a pen-down strike for the second day on Saturday, demanding that the Government give up its proposal to amend the existing Endowments Act of 1987. The Endowments Employees' Welfare Association, which is spearheading the agitation, is of the view that the proposed amendments will work against their interests, apart from jeopardising the system of maintaining the temples in the State. The association president and general secretary, K. Shobharani and B. Krupavaram, said they would organise a 'Chalo Assembly' on Monday when the Bill seeking to amend the Act was expected to be passed in the House. They said one of the amendments is aimed at reviving a Section scrapped earlier. Once this was revived, a total of 32,558 temples whose annual income was below Rs 5 lakhs, would to archakas as a "hereditary right" together with the funds accruing through hundi/ plate collections, arjita seva/tonsuring fees, darshan tickets etc. Another change would seek to pay salaries to employees through a welfare fund and not through Treasuries as now. They said if the hereditary system came in, no opportunity would be available to other archaka families in the State. Even trustees would claim hereditary rights as the definition of "founder" (of temple) was sought to be changed. M. V. Soundara Rajan, vice-president, Andhra Pradesh Archaka Samakhya, on the other hand, described the Bill as "excellent" as the amendments had been proposed after taking into consideration, the ground realities of the temple maintenance. He said the existing Act had "grossly failed" to protect temple system.------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ------- DONATIONS: Your finacial help to defray the cost of Pada Yatra is highly appreciated. The budget for the four month Pada Yatra is roughly estimated at $40,000. Your generous donation is essential to make Pada Yatra a grand success. Please send your donations to: Global Hindu Heritage Foundation , and mail your check to 548 Silverstone Drive , Madison, MS 39110. Please indicate "Pada Yatra" on the check next to memo. INVITATION TO PUBLIC FORUM You are cordially invited to participate in the Public Forum which will take place on January 25, 2008 in Tirupathi, the abode of Lord Venkateswara Temple WEBSITE:
Please visit our website for more information on the Global Hindu Heritage Foundation and Pada Yatra. http://savetemples. org FORWARD.
Please FORWARD this information to your circle of Friends and seek their support and participation in the movement QUESTIONS/QUERIES :
Please call us if you have any questions or need clarification on Pada Yatra to awaken the Consciousness of all Hindus about the government's plans to dismantle the Hindu Temples and culture. Dhanyavad, Global Hindu Heritage Foundation
V. V. Prakasa Rao, Ph.D; 601-918-7111 Cell; 601-856-4783 Home
Prasad Yalamanchi, 630-832-2665; 630-359-5041 Satya 732-939-2060
Vinay 248-842-6964
Srinivas Murthy 212-538-8716
Dr. K. R. Venkatramaiah (Canada) 416-925-8167
Sri Kamal Kumar, Leader of Pada Yatra (Hyderabad) 011-91-9440896915__._,_.___
Freed 30,000 Temples from the AP government Control;
Fight Continues to Free all Hindu Temples Significant VICTORY for Hindu Devalaya Parirakshana Samithi and Global Hindu Heritage Foundation, November 19, 2007.
Dear Friends: It is every Hindu's responsibility to fight for justice, fairness, equality, freedom, independence from the government control of Hindu Temples, their lands and revenues.
The Temples should be allowed to be managed by the Hindus themselves.
The outrageous discrimination against Hindu must stop. Hindu should take full responsibility to manage their Temples.
Every single action counts. Every single person can bring change if we have commitment, faith and determination. We should not be disheartened with roadblocks and hurdles as we take up any task to bring about changes.
Success would not come easy. It only comes through hard work, perseverance, patience, resolve, and endurance. Let us all resolve ourselves to do some thing to bring change.
As Edward Everett Hale says: I am only one,But still I am one.I cannot do everything,But still I can do something; And because I cannot do everything I will not refuse to do the something that I can do .
It is our dharma (duty) to protect the impending danger to Hinduism from within and without.
By ignoring and being indifferent, we are encouraging the injustice to prevail, evil to take it's roots, and authoritarianism to prevail in the society.
Our greatest treasure, Ramayana talks about our responsibility in Ayodhya Kanda as follows:
If we not fulfill our duty "the ignoble would resemble the noble, and he who is devoid of honor would resemble a man of integrity; he who is unworthy would be deemed worthy and he who is depraved would be considered to be a man of virtue.
Hinduism. Ramayana, Ayodhya Kanda 109. The Passage of the Amendment November 19, 2007. The Andhra Pradesh Charitable and Hindu Religious Institutions and Endowments (amendment) bill moved by Endowments Minister J Rathnakar Rao was passed unanimously (UNI reports). The Andhra Pradesh State Assembly has unanimously passed the Temple Amendment Bill "Hindu Endowments Act" (Devadaya Savarana Bill).
Over 30,000 temples that are seeking Deepam (lamp) and Naivedyam (offering to God) are now out of the control of the Endowment Department (Devalaya Shaka), Andhra Pradesh government.
Even the temples with income less than Rupees 2 Lakhs per annum are released from their control.
It is for the first time in India that a Dharmic Parishat, an autonomous body consisting of heads of Mathas and Pithas along with Dharmic thought leaders will take charge of the temple affairs.
This is a grand victory for the Hindu Devalaya Parirakshana Samithi (HDPS) and its supporters. Incidentally this has occured on the day that Sri Kamal Kumar and his entourage has reached Hyderabad on this padayatra. This is proof that the Lord himself has participated in this padayatra.
This padayatra originated in Basra, Adilabad District (a border town of Mahrashtra and Andhra Pradesh) and will complete at Tirumala-Tirupathi Devasthanam, Chitoor District.
The padayatra has covered 760 temples, 6 districts and 1400 kilometers over the past 66 days. He has met over 300,000 people on this padayatra so far.
This mail is being sent on behalf of Sri Kamal Kumar Machavolu, General Secretary, Hindu Devalaya Parirakshana Samithi. About Sri Kamal Kumar: Sri Kamal Kumar has been spearheading the effort to bring awareness amongst the Hindus, and a change of mind in the government with matters governing the Hindu temples. This padayatra has reached many hearts and woken us from the slumber. Hindu Devalaya Parirakshana Samithi is supported by several enthusiasts in India, USA, Canada, UK and other countries. (Please read below how the Employees tried to oppose it) Employees of Endowment Department Opposed http://www.hindu. com/2007/ 11/18/stories/ 2007111853290400 .htm
HYDERABAD: November 18, 2007. Employees of the Endowments Department, serving temples and other religious establishments in the State, went on a pen-down strike for the second day on Saturday, demanding that the Government give up its proposal to amend the existing Endowments Act of 1987. The Endowments Employees' Welfare Association, which is spearheading the agitation, is of the view that the proposed amendments will work against their interests, apart from jeopardising the system of maintaining the temples in the State. The association president and general secretary, K. Shobharani and B. Krupavaram, said they would organise a 'Chalo Assembly' on Monday when the Bill seeking to amend the Act was expected to be passed in the House. They said one of the amendments is aimed at reviving a Section scrapped earlier. Once this was revived, a total of 32,558 temples whose annual income was below Rs 5 lakhs, would to archakas as a "hereditary right" together with the funds accruing through hundi/ plate collections, arjita seva/tonsuring fees, darshan tickets etc. Another change would seek to pay salaries to employees through a welfare fund and not through Treasuries as now. They said if the hereditary system came in, no opportunity would be available to other archaka families in the State. Even trustees would claim hereditary rights as the definition of "founder" (of temple) was sought to be changed. M. V. Soundara Rajan, vice-president, Andhra Pradesh Archaka Samakhya, on the other hand, described the Bill as "excellent" as the amendments had been proposed after taking into consideration, the ground realities of the temple maintenance. He said the existing Act had "grossly failed" to protect temple system.------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ------- DONATIONS: Your finacial help to defray the cost of Pada Yatra is highly appreciated. The budget for the four month Pada Yatra is roughly estimated at $40,000. Your generous donation is essential to make Pada Yatra a grand success. Please send your donations to: Global Hindu Heritage Foundation , and mail your check to 548 Silverstone Drive , Madison, MS 39110. Please indicate "Pada Yatra" on the check next to memo. INVITATION TO PUBLIC FORUM You are cordially invited to participate in the Public Forum which will take place on January 25, 2008 in Tirupathi, the abode of Lord Venkateswara Temple WEBSITE:
Please visit our website for more information on the Global Hindu Heritage Foundation and Pada Yatra. http://savetemples. org FORWARD.
Please FORWARD this information to your circle of Friends and seek their support and participation in the movement QUESTIONS/QUERIES :
Please call us if you have any questions or need clarification on Pada Yatra to awaken the Consciousness of all Hindus about the government's plans to dismantle the Hindu Temples and culture. Dhanyavad, Global Hindu Heritage Foundation
V. V. Prakasa Rao, Ph.D; 601-918-7111 Cell; 601-856-4783 Home
Prasad Yalamanchi, 630-832-2665; 630-359-5041 Satya 732-939-2060
Vinay 248-842-6964
Srinivas Murthy 212-538-8716
Dr. K. R. Venkatramaiah (Canada) 416-925-8167
Sri Kamal Kumar, Leader of Pada Yatra (Hyderabad) 011-91-9440896915__._,_.___
Be A Proud Hindu
http://www.national geographic. com/).
Indians and Pakistanis have the same ancestry and share the same DNA sequence.
Here's what is happening in India:
The two Ambani brothers can buy 100 percent of every company listed on the Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE) and would still be left with $30 billion to spare.
The four richest Indians can buy up all goods and services produced over a year by 169 million Pakistanis and still be left with $60 billion to spare.
The four richest Indians are now richer than the forty richest Chinese.
In November, Bombay Stock Exchange's benchmark Sensex flirted with 20,000 points. As a consequence, Mukesh Ambani's Reliance Industries became a $100 billion company (the entire KSE is capitalized at $65 billion). Mukesh owns 48 percent of Reliance.
In November, comes Neeta's birthday. Neeta turned forty-four three weeks ago.
Look what she got from her husband as her birthday present: A sixty-million dollar jet with a custom fitted master bedroom, bathroom with mood lighting, a sky bar, entertainment cabins, satellite television, wireless communication and a separate cabin with game consoles.
Neeta is Mukesh Ambani's wife, and Mukesh is not India's richest but the second richest.
Mukesh is now building his new home, Residence Antillia (after a mythical, phantom island somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean). At a cost of $1 billion this would be the most expensive home on the face of the planet.
At 173 meters tall Mukesh's new family residence, for a family of six, will be the equivalent of a 60-storeyed building. The first six floors are reserved for parking. The seventh floor is for car servicing and maintenance. The eighth floor houses a mini-theatre. Then there's a health club, a gym and a swimming pool.
Two floors are reserved for Ambani family's guests.
Four floors above the guest floors are family floors all with a superb view of the Arabian Sea. On top of everything are three helipads. A staff of 600 is expected to
care for the family and their family home.
In 2004, India became the 3rd most attractive foreign direct investment destination.
Pakistan wasn't even in the top 25 countries.
In 2004, the United Nations, the representative body of 192 sovereign member states, had requested the Election Commission of India to assist the UN in the holding elections in Al Jumhuriyah al Iraqiyah and Dowlat-e Eslami-ye Afghanestan. Why the Election Commission of India and not the Election Commission of Pakistan? After all, Islamabad is closer to Kabul than is Delhi.
Imagine, 12 percent of all American scientists are of Indian origin;
38 percent of doctors in America are Indian;
36 percent of NASA scientists are Indians;
34 percent of Microsoft employees are Indians; and
28 percent of IBM employees are Indians.
For the record: Sabeer Bhatia created and founded Hotmail.
Sun Microsystems was founded by Vinod Khosla.
The Intel Pentium processor, that runs 90 percent of all computers, was fathered by Vinod Dham.
Rajiv Gupta co-invented Hewlett Packard's E-speak project.
Four out of ten Silicon Valley start-ups are run by Indians.
Bollywood produces 800 movies per year and six Indian ladies have won Miss Universe/Miss World titles over the past 10 years.
For the record: Azim Premji, the richest Muslim entrepreneur on the face of the planet, was born in Bombay and now lives in Bangalore.
India now has more than three dozen billionaires; Pakistan has none (not a single dollar billionaire) .
The other amazing aspect is the rapid pace at which India is creating wealth.
In 2002, Dhirubhai Ambani, Mukesh and Anil Ambani's father, left his two sons a fortune worth $2.8 billion.
In 2007, their combined wealth stood at $94 billion.
On 29 October 2007, as a result of the stock market rally and the appreciation of the Indian rupee, Mukesh became the richest person in the world, with net worth climbing to US$63.2 billion (Bill Gates, the richest American, stands at around $56 billion).
Indians and Pakistanis have the same Y-chromosome haplogroup. We have the same genetic sequence and the same genetic marker (namely: M124). We have the same DNA molecule, the same DNA sequence.
Our culture, our traditions and our cuisine are all the same. We watch the same movies and sing the same songs. What is it that Indians do and we don't: Indians elect their leaders.
> _____________________________________________
Indians and Pakistanis have the same ancestry and share the same DNA sequence.
Here's what is happening in India:
The two Ambani brothers can buy 100 percent of every company listed on the Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE) and would still be left with $30 billion to spare.
The four richest Indians can buy up all goods and services produced over a year by 169 million Pakistanis and still be left with $60 billion to spare.
The four richest Indians are now richer than the forty richest Chinese.
In November, Bombay Stock Exchange's benchmark Sensex flirted with 20,000 points. As a consequence, Mukesh Ambani's Reliance Industries became a $100 billion company (the entire KSE is capitalized at $65 billion). Mukesh owns 48 percent of Reliance.
In November, comes Neeta's birthday. Neeta turned forty-four three weeks ago.
Look what she got from her husband as her birthday present: A sixty-million dollar jet with a custom fitted master bedroom, bathroom with mood lighting, a sky bar, entertainment cabins, satellite television, wireless communication and a separate cabin with game consoles.
Neeta is Mukesh Ambani's wife, and Mukesh is not India's richest but the second richest.
Mukesh is now building his new home, Residence Antillia (after a mythical, phantom island somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean). At a cost of $1 billion this would be the most expensive home on the face of the planet.
At 173 meters tall Mukesh's new family residence, for a family of six, will be the equivalent of a 60-storeyed building. The first six floors are reserved for parking. The seventh floor is for car servicing and maintenance. The eighth floor houses a mini-theatre. Then there's a health club, a gym and a swimming pool.
Two floors are reserved for Ambani family's guests.
Four floors above the guest floors are family floors all with a superb view of the Arabian Sea. On top of everything are three helipads. A staff of 600 is expected to
care for the family and their family home.
In 2004, India became the 3rd most attractive foreign direct investment destination.
Pakistan wasn't even in the top 25 countries.
In 2004, the United Nations, the representative body of 192 sovereign member states, had requested the Election Commission of India to assist the UN in the holding elections in Al Jumhuriyah al Iraqiyah and Dowlat-e Eslami-ye Afghanestan. Why the Election Commission of India and not the Election Commission of Pakistan? After all, Islamabad is closer to Kabul than is Delhi.
Imagine, 12 percent of all American scientists are of Indian origin;
38 percent of doctors in America are Indian;
36 percent of NASA scientists are Indians;
34 percent of Microsoft employees are Indians; and
28 percent of IBM employees are Indians.
For the record: Sabeer Bhatia created and founded Hotmail.
Sun Microsystems was founded by Vinod Khosla.
The Intel Pentium processor, that runs 90 percent of all computers, was fathered by Vinod Dham.
Rajiv Gupta co-invented Hewlett Packard's E-speak project.
Four out of ten Silicon Valley start-ups are run by Indians.
Bollywood produces 800 movies per year and six Indian ladies have won Miss Universe/Miss World titles over the past 10 years.
For the record: Azim Premji, the richest Muslim entrepreneur on the face of the planet, was born in Bombay and now lives in Bangalore.
India now has more than three dozen billionaires; Pakistan has none (not a single dollar billionaire) .
The other amazing aspect is the rapid pace at which India is creating wealth.
In 2002, Dhirubhai Ambani, Mukesh and Anil Ambani's father, left his two sons a fortune worth $2.8 billion.
In 2007, their combined wealth stood at $94 billion.
On 29 October 2007, as a result of the stock market rally and the appreciation of the Indian rupee, Mukesh became the richest person in the world, with net worth climbing to US$63.2 billion (Bill Gates, the richest American, stands at around $56 billion).
Indians and Pakistanis have the same Y-chromosome haplogroup. We have the same genetic sequence and the same genetic marker (namely: M124). We have the same DNA molecule, the same DNA sequence.
Our culture, our traditions and our cuisine are all the same. We watch the same movies and sing the same songs. What is it that Indians do and we don't: Indians elect their leaders.
> _____________________________________________
Know all about Saudi Arabia
In Saudi Arabia, you can’t practice any other religion than Islam.
You cannot even take a Bible or any other non-Islamic holy books when you enter the country.
If you ever dare to do so, they will promptly imprison you, and you will not even know what will happen to you after that!
Not a single Moslem around the world voices an opinion on the utter inadmissibility of any non-Islamic tradition and practice in Saudi Arabia.
Indeed, the western countries including USA never even dare or care to do something about it.
In Saudi Arabia, women are not allowed to work, and obviously are also not allowed to drive.
In the process, many young teenagers die in auto accidents as they speed on the busy streets to fulfill their mother’s wishes for some household grocery shopping, due to their sheer driving inexperience at that young age.
In the capital city Riyadh, women in burqas/veils are commonly found begging in the busy street corners with their young children, as many of them are widows in dire financial need, with no other way of supporting their young ones as it is illegal for a woman to seek work.
Perhaps, Moslems should ponder on the issue with an open mind – the widow could have been their own mother, or sister, or daughter, or some other close relative. Where is their compassion , which is considered a central theme in Islam?
When something happens to one Moslem anywhere, every other Moslem in the world vehemently condemns it, and is followed by fatwas by the Islamic clergy.
On the other hand, when mass killings and mutilations are perpetrated by Moslems anywhere in the world, not a single Moslem raises a voice; indeed, there is open rejoicing of these barbaric acts on many occasions.
Moslems use the freely available, non-discriminative western legal and administrative systems to their benefit whenever it suits them – they are free to express their opinion, women work and drive, a Florida Moslem woman insisted and got her driver’s license with a picture of her face behind a veil (how in the world can you identify this woman from her driver’s license?),
Moslem women smoke, and so on.
At the same time, Moslems also insist on bringing in the Sharia laws administered by the Mullahs, rather than western laws administered through the courts.
It’s a blasphemy to interpret the holy Koran, but Moslems feel it’s their birthright to criticize and denigrate non-Islamic religious texts and scriptures.
Mullahs have the full freedom and authority to issue fatwas as they deem fit. (It would amount to inciting people to commit barbaric and inhuman acts as per western laws.) There is no concept of democracy in Islam, while in the west, Moslems misuse democracy as and when it suits them.
If you are not a Moslem, you are considered an infidel; a Moslem is thus free to use his religious text to treat you appropriately – convert you forcibly, punish you, or perhaps even finish you up, as you are after all an infidel, and Islam guarantees him bonus points in his next life for his supposedly solemn acts towards the infidel in this life!
How can anyone reconcile with the Moslems? Perhaps, only by converting to Islam – Their way or Highway! Seriously, is there an option? We all would like to know.
From: hindiUSA@yahoogroup s.com [mailto:hindiUSA@ yahoogroups. com] On Behalf Of svr95@yahoo. comSent: Wednesday, December 12, 2007 9:14 AMTo: hindiusa@yahoogroup s.comSubject: [hindiUSA] The Changing Face Of Religion in Switzerland
You cannot even take a Bible or any other non-Islamic holy books when you enter the country.
If you ever dare to do so, they will promptly imprison you, and you will not even know what will happen to you after that!
Not a single Moslem around the world voices an opinion on the utter inadmissibility of any non-Islamic tradition and practice in Saudi Arabia.
Indeed, the western countries including USA never even dare or care to do something about it.
In Saudi Arabia, women are not allowed to work, and obviously are also not allowed to drive.
In the process, many young teenagers die in auto accidents as they speed on the busy streets to fulfill their mother’s wishes for some household grocery shopping, due to their sheer driving inexperience at that young age.
In the capital city Riyadh, women in burqas/veils are commonly found begging in the busy street corners with their young children, as many of them are widows in dire financial need, with no other way of supporting their young ones as it is illegal for a woman to seek work.
Perhaps, Moslems should ponder on the issue with an open mind – the widow could have been their own mother, or sister, or daughter, or some other close relative. Where is their compassion , which is considered a central theme in Islam?
When something happens to one Moslem anywhere, every other Moslem in the world vehemently condemns it, and is followed by fatwas by the Islamic clergy.
On the other hand, when mass killings and mutilations are perpetrated by Moslems anywhere in the world, not a single Moslem raises a voice; indeed, there is open rejoicing of these barbaric acts on many occasions.
Moslems use the freely available, non-discriminative western legal and administrative systems to their benefit whenever it suits them – they are free to express their opinion, women work and drive, a Florida Moslem woman insisted and got her driver’s license with a picture of her face behind a veil (how in the world can you identify this woman from her driver’s license?),
Moslem women smoke, and so on.
At the same time, Moslems also insist on bringing in the Sharia laws administered by the Mullahs, rather than western laws administered through the courts.
It’s a blasphemy to interpret the holy Koran, but Moslems feel it’s their birthright to criticize and denigrate non-Islamic religious texts and scriptures.
Mullahs have the full freedom and authority to issue fatwas as they deem fit. (It would amount to inciting people to commit barbaric and inhuman acts as per western laws.) There is no concept of democracy in Islam, while in the west, Moslems misuse democracy as and when it suits them.
If you are not a Moslem, you are considered an infidel; a Moslem is thus free to use his religious text to treat you appropriately – convert you forcibly, punish you, or perhaps even finish you up, as you are after all an infidel, and Islam guarantees him bonus points in his next life for his supposedly solemn acts towards the infidel in this life!
How can anyone reconcile with the Moslems? Perhaps, only by converting to Islam – Their way or Highway! Seriously, is there an option? We all would like to know.
From: hindiUSA@yahoogroup s.com [mailto:hindiUSA@ yahoogroups. com] On Behalf Of svr95@yahoo. comSent: Wednesday, December 12, 2007 9:14 AMTo: hindiusa@yahoogroup s.comSubject: [hindiUSA] The Changing Face Of Religion in Switzerland
Hindus love Modi
Why Modi appeals to Hindus all over the world?B RamanDecember 24, 2007rediff.com
Maut ka Saudagar', 'Liar', 'the Ugly Indian' etc etc etc.All the kind of epithets, the likes of which till now used to come easily out of President George Bush's mouth and the pens of his neo conservative supporters.
Mr Bush should be worried that he has now a growing number of competitors in the coining of demonising epithets in the community of the self-styled secularists of India.
What epithets they did not use against Narendra Modi for the last five years and particularly in the weeks before the election to the Gujarat legislative assembly, in which the Modi-led Bharatiya Janata Party won a spectacular victory despite the best (or worst) efforts of these self-styled secularists to demonise him day in and day out! The pathological dislike -- even hatred -- that some of our journalists -- particularly in the electronic media -- have for Modi could be seen or sensed as one watched the television coverage of the counting of votes on December 23.
Initially, as it appeared that the BJP might not do well in the final tally, there was excitement among many television anchors. They thought they had tasted blood. After an hour, the BJP candidates started racing ahead and it became clear the the Congress was in for a drubbing.
The disappointment on the faces of some of the anchors was to be seen to be believed. A star lady anchor could not help remarking: 'Modi might be able to win the elections in Gujarat, but he still can't get a visa to go to the US and other Western countries.' Some consolation!
Instead of spending their time searching for abusive expressions in the dictionary and in their copy-book of such expressions, if these self-styled secularists had only visited the Web sites, discussion groups and blogspots of members of the Hindu community not only in India, but also in other countries of the world -- particularly in the US -- they would have noticed something, which might have given them cause for introspection. They would have noticed that Modi is becoming the icon of a growing number of Hindus not only in India, but also in the Hindu Diaspora spread across the world.
The support for him is not confined only to the Gujarati-speaking Hindus of the world. It is spread right across the Hindu spectrum -- whatever be the language or ethnicity or place of origin of the Hindus concerned.
They would have noticed that in the Hindu Diaspora in the West, more young people admire Modi than grown-ups. Many of his young admirers in the US were born and brought up there and had the benefit of the best of secular education. In spite of this, there is a sense of pride in them that the Hindu community has at long last produced a leader of the calibre of Modi.
What is it they see in him?His simple and austere living of the kind associated with the late Kamaraj of Tamil Nadu, but not seen in the leaders of today?His reputation as an incorruptible politician, the likes of which is not found anywhere in India, not even in his own party?
His style of development-oriented governance, which even his detractors do not hesitate to praise?The fruits of his policy, which Gujarat and its people are already enjoying?His tough stance on terrorism?
His lucid-thinking on matters concerning our national security?His defiance in the face of the greatest campaign of demonisation mounted against him, the likes of which only Indira Gandhi had faced from her political opponents and sections of the media in the 1970s?
All these are factors, which influence their favourable perception of him, and which have already been highlighted and analysed in the articles on his impressive election victory.But there is one factor, which is more important than these and which has not found mention in the analyses.
That is, for large sections of the Hindus -- young and old, even more among the young than among the old -- he gave them a sense of pride in their identity as Hindus.They feel that he removed from their minds long habits of defensiveness as Hindus carefully nurtured by the self-styled secularists. As if to proclaim one's Hindu identity and to assert one's rights as Hindus in their own homeland in which they are in a vast majority (80 per cent of the population) is to be communal, is to become an ugly Indian.
For these self-styled secularists, a pretty Indian is a Hindu, who is all the time on the defensive, fights shy of proclaiming his Hindu personality and asserting his rights as a member of the majority community.
These self-styled secularists would not address their sermons of secularism to the Islamic countries, where for a Muslim to convert a non-Muslim into Islam is an act blessed by Allah, but for a non-Muslim to convert a Muslim into his religion is a crime calling for the death penalty.
For them, secularism is a virtue which a Hindu should practise towards others, but not others towards him.
It is Modi's rejection of this hypocrisy of the self-styled secularists, which makes him stand apart as a Hindu leader with a difference in the eyes of his admirers. Bharathiyar, the Tamil poet who inspired millions of Tamil youth to join the independence struggle under Mahatma Gandhi, wrote: Tamizhanenru Chollada, Talai Nimirndhu Nillada (Say You Are a Tamil, Hold Your Head High).
The growing legion of Modi's admirers in the Hindu community all over the world are saying: Hindu Enru Chollada, Talai Nimirndu Nillada (Say You Are A Hindu, Hold Your Head High).
They are no longer prepared to be defensive in proclaiming their Hindu idenity, in asserting their rights as Hindus. They are secular in the genuine sense of the word, but for them secularism does not mean developing a guilt complex about being a Hindu and all the time conceding the rights of others. They do not accept the argument that a Hindu, who asserts his rights, ceases to be a secularist.
Maut ka Saudagar', 'Liar', 'the Ugly Indian' etc etc etc.All the kind of epithets, the likes of which till now used to come easily out of President George Bush's mouth and the pens of his neo conservative supporters.
Mr Bush should be worried that he has now a growing number of competitors in the coining of demonising epithets in the community of the self-styled secularists of India.
What epithets they did not use against Narendra Modi for the last five years and particularly in the weeks before the election to the Gujarat legislative assembly, in which the Modi-led Bharatiya Janata Party won a spectacular victory despite the best (or worst) efforts of these self-styled secularists to demonise him day in and day out! The pathological dislike -- even hatred -- that some of our journalists -- particularly in the electronic media -- have for Modi could be seen or sensed as one watched the television coverage of the counting of votes on December 23.
Initially, as it appeared that the BJP might not do well in the final tally, there was excitement among many television anchors. They thought they had tasted blood. After an hour, the BJP candidates started racing ahead and it became clear the the Congress was in for a drubbing.
The disappointment on the faces of some of the anchors was to be seen to be believed. A star lady anchor could not help remarking: 'Modi might be able to win the elections in Gujarat, but he still can't get a visa to go to the US and other Western countries.' Some consolation!
Instead of spending their time searching for abusive expressions in the dictionary and in their copy-book of such expressions, if these self-styled secularists had only visited the Web sites, discussion groups and blogspots of members of the Hindu community not only in India, but also in other countries of the world -- particularly in the US -- they would have noticed something, which might have given them cause for introspection. They would have noticed that Modi is becoming the icon of a growing number of Hindus not only in India, but also in the Hindu Diaspora spread across the world.
The support for him is not confined only to the Gujarati-speaking Hindus of the world. It is spread right across the Hindu spectrum -- whatever be the language or ethnicity or place of origin of the Hindus concerned.
They would have noticed that in the Hindu Diaspora in the West, more young people admire Modi than grown-ups. Many of his young admirers in the US were born and brought up there and had the benefit of the best of secular education. In spite of this, there is a sense of pride in them that the Hindu community has at long last produced a leader of the calibre of Modi.
What is it they see in him?His simple and austere living of the kind associated with the late Kamaraj of Tamil Nadu, but not seen in the leaders of today?His reputation as an incorruptible politician, the likes of which is not found anywhere in India, not even in his own party?
His style of development-oriented governance, which even his detractors do not hesitate to praise?The fruits of his policy, which Gujarat and its people are already enjoying?His tough stance on terrorism?
His lucid-thinking on matters concerning our national security?His defiance in the face of the greatest campaign of demonisation mounted against him, the likes of which only Indira Gandhi had faced from her political opponents and sections of the media in the 1970s?
All these are factors, which influence their favourable perception of him, and which have already been highlighted and analysed in the articles on his impressive election victory.But there is one factor, which is more important than these and which has not found mention in the analyses.
That is, for large sections of the Hindus -- young and old, even more among the young than among the old -- he gave them a sense of pride in their identity as Hindus.They feel that he removed from their minds long habits of defensiveness as Hindus carefully nurtured by the self-styled secularists. As if to proclaim one's Hindu identity and to assert one's rights as Hindus in their own homeland in which they are in a vast majority (80 per cent of the population) is to be communal, is to become an ugly Indian.
For these self-styled secularists, a pretty Indian is a Hindu, who is all the time on the defensive, fights shy of proclaiming his Hindu personality and asserting his rights as a member of the majority community.
These self-styled secularists would not address their sermons of secularism to the Islamic countries, where for a Muslim to convert a non-Muslim into Islam is an act blessed by Allah, but for a non-Muslim to convert a Muslim into his religion is a crime calling for the death penalty.
For them, secularism is a virtue which a Hindu should practise towards others, but not others towards him.
It is Modi's rejection of this hypocrisy of the self-styled secularists, which makes him stand apart as a Hindu leader with a difference in the eyes of his admirers. Bharathiyar, the Tamil poet who inspired millions of Tamil youth to join the independence struggle under Mahatma Gandhi, wrote: Tamizhanenru Chollada, Talai Nimirndhu Nillada (Say You Are a Tamil, Hold Your Head High).
The growing legion of Modi's admirers in the Hindu community all over the world are saying: Hindu Enru Chollada, Talai Nimirndu Nillada (Say You Are A Hindu, Hold Your Head High).
They are no longer prepared to be defensive in proclaiming their Hindu idenity, in asserting their rights as Hindus. They are secular in the genuine sense of the word, but for them secularism does not mean developing a guilt complex about being a Hindu and all the time conceding the rights of others. They do not accept the argument that a Hindu, who asserts his rights, ceases to be a secularist.
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