In search of attaining Swaraj
Prem Sabhlok <>
After 60 years of independence have we achieved Swaraj (self-rule)?
The Bhagavad-Gita tells us in Chapter 3 that "He who shirks righteous action never attains freedom."
Have we been guilty of shirking our responsibilities even inadvertently during the last six decades in an Independent Bhaarat to achieve our goal of Swaraj (self-rule) akin to perfect democratic freedom?
Before 1947 our leaders particularly Gandhi ji, Subhash Chander Bose, Pt Nehru and others said: 1. Sawarj is my birth rights.
That government is best which governs the least, because its people discipline themselves.
The disciplined people of Bhaarat would govern themselves to ensure withering away of the state.3. Give me blood, I'll give you Freedom, 4. The legacy of India is that 400 millions will govern themselves.
A. Point to considerAfter 60 years of our Independence have we achieved Swaraj, Freedom, and the authority to govern ourselves?
Union of Soviet Socialist Republic was an independent country but negligible freedom to its citizens. Finally it broke down to a number of independent states. Thus it proves that Independence and Freedom are two vastly different concepts.
B. Point to considerWhat has made us to believe for six decades that socialism, democracy, independence and freedom, Swaraj mean the same?
In the Constitution of India "We the People" of Bhaarat are sovereign. Amendments 73 and 74 allow us democracy at grass root level.
C. Point to considerIn what way democracy has reached at the grass root level when the government nominees continue to control / guide the local urban / rural governments?Article 51-A refers to Fundamental Duties of the citizens. According to Art 51-A (h and j) citizen's duty is to develop scientific outlook and spirit of Inquiry and Reform.
D. Point to considerWhat kind of reforms in administration, systems and procedures we have jointly succeeded during the last six decades. Most of our Associations, Organisations, and Departments are still governed with pre 1947 rules and even 1860, 1861 and 1864 Acts.Many intellectuals perceive our Constitution is excellent in its democratic contents but has been ruined in its implementation by political leaders, bureaucrats and insensitive citizens. The Constitution is now perceived as Grammar of Democratic Anarchy.
D. In Swatantra Bharat ex-colonial languages English and Urdu have become dominant languages in every field of Bhaarat rather than Sanskrit, Hindi and other Bhaaratiya languages.
E. Point to considerWhere we have gone wrong in the implementation of the constitution?After 60 years of our Independence now corruption is parading up and down in the corridors of government, markets, Social organization like Non Government Organisations, religious places etc. Cities after cities are becoming urban nightmares with no choice for the residents to go where?
In the entire world, Bhaarat has got the most centralized Administration / Government but not capable of delivering goods. Govts / Bureaucrats take more interest in land /property deals, petty civic amenities contracts etc but little interest in Defence, Law and Order, Security, External Affairs, Public Finance etc.
Articles after articles are appearing in newspapers about fratricide in Army etc but no solution is insight.How should we proceed forward in the 61st year of our Independence ?
Kindly feel free to actively participate in this open debate to find some workable solution.It is high time we give serious thoughts on these and many other matters and find early solution before it becomes too late and unsocial elements take full control of Central / State Governments through their fixed vote banks, supplemented by purchased and manipulated vote banks. How long we shall continue to blame governments, political parties and bureaucracy? Perhaps blame lies in our insensitivity and feeling of gross helplessness.
If people in USA, Europe, and Australia etc can govern themselves for their civic, social and community welfare functions through their non partisan City Councils / Village Shire Councils without any government nominee, why in Bhaarat we can not do so? Luckily for us guidelines, benchmarks and self governing systems and procedures are readily available in the world, we have to simply apply and implement.When we shall get ready? Choice is to have continuous drawing room /coffee house chatter or come in the field to make Bhaarat the best place to live in. Conversion of Hindus in independent Bhaartiya
In Independent Bhaarat followers of Semitic religions are converting Hindus without any prohibitions due to anti Hindu and secular governments and Bhaartiyas laws made by anti Hindu government:
Receipt of Foreign Contributions 2005-06 Home Ministry Report
Downloaded this report from the Home Ministry site. During this year Rs 7877 crs was received by way of foreign donations. Tamil Nadu (Rs 1,610 crs) was the highest recipient followed by Delhi (Rs 1,556 crs) and Andhra Pradesh Rs 1,011 crs. Largest donor countries were U.S.A. Rs 2,426 crs, UK Rs 1,180 crs and Germany Rs 1,062 crs. The list of foreign donors is topped by Gospel Fellowship Trust USA , India Rs 229 crs, Gospel for Asia Rs 137 crs and Plan International Rs 111 crs. Largest recipient were World Vision Tamil Nadu Rs 256 crs, Caritas India Rs 193 crs, Rural Development Trust Andhra Pradesh Rs 127 crs. Please note: a... India 's population is 80% Hindu, barely 3% is Christian yet the largest donors are Christian countries.
B... As a state Tamil Nadu received largest donations. Is it not ironical that the state has reported an increase in conversions to Christianity, is a missionary target. C... Andhra Pradesh has a Protestant Chief Minister. The name YSR Reddy will not fool anyone. D... Why are the U.S.A, Germany and U.K. so concerned about the poor in India ? Am sure there are lakhs of poor people in their country too. Do these Christian organization donors donate such large amounts to Muslim countries like Pakistan , Iraq and Saudi Arabia as well is a moot point. E... These numbers do not give money received by Muslim organizations from Saudia Arabia etc. It is believed that some of this money comes through the 'hawala' route.To read the Report (in PDF format) click here
It is important that resident Indians donate large sums of money to sincere Hindu organizations who work in the fields of education and health. One meal in an upper class restaurant costs app Rs 500 to Rs 1,000 per head in Mumbai. Suppose if we, the followers of Dharma, were to cut down on conspicuous consumption and donate the amounts to institutions like the Ramakrishna Mission we would be contributing to society in a positive and lasting way. www.esamskriti.comOur philosophy: "The More we Share the more we Grow".
European countries spend money for conversion of Hindus in Bhaarat
Be aware of this organisations.
The India Committee of The Netherlands (ICN) is an independent non-governmental organization, based on solidarity with deprived groups in Indian society
This is a Dutch Christian organisation is getting very year least more than 700.000 thousand Euros. These organisations are always anti Hindu and try to work in favour of Pakistan and the Muslims.
This is one of the small Christian NGO's that crate conflict between religious groups in Asia . The real Non Government Organisations that behind all this organisations is ICCO Also funded by the Dutch government get very four year more than 160.000000 Euro for humanitarian work and be sure for Christian conversion of Hindus
Other Christian NGO's Cordiad 120.00000 Euro
Hivos 90.000000 Euro IKV 36.000000 Euro PAX: 45.000000 Euro.
All organisations working for only Christians organisations in India , Bangladesh , Nepal , they don't dare to enter Pakistan . Please tell us how we can fight this huge anti Hindu organisations funded by government in the West. -------------
Vending Dharmik information - traitor or stupidity
Spanning a long long period - perhaps the single largest collection of Sanskrit literature has been available from India . During the period of foreign rule - these have been taken away from the country - now the largest collections are no longer in India but overseas.Veda and shastra enshrine profound thought processes.
These are taken in for "scientific discovery" by scientists overseas. Vimana shastra, atomic particle physics interactions, cosmology and a number of other technologies are making their way slowly into "modern scientific" thought.
It is a great pity that our scholars are vending away this information - totally unaware of the "abhyudaya" content that they have for our country.
Is this being "traitor" or "plain" stupidity and selfish unthinking gratification?For example one of the largest collections of electronically encoded Sanskrit texts available one time at off the net.Some people in the past five to six years been collecting literature off the net - and have a huge collection spanning almost the entire spectrum of Sanskrit literature in e-format - and are giving them away free to anybody that asks in Bhaarat.
Swantra Bharat must try to get back all its ancient Sanskrit literature which ex-colonial masters have taken away by fraud, by borrowing or buying cheap such books. These books have treasure for new inventions.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
100,000 Hindu ,Sikh Girls elpoing with muslims by RAPE and Blackmail.
Be careful from Muslims, read the following
Every year 100,000 Hindu & Sikh girls are eloping with muslims by way of rape & blackmail.
Submitted by Nisha (India), May 29, 2007 at 09:57
I agree with you . As an Indian living in capital Delhi , I know many cases where Muslims posing as Hindu boys meet and date educated Hindu / Sikh girls , they are show their love and care , As soon as the girl agrees to go to date with a muslim boy , he give them drugs ( sleeping pills) in tea / coffee and gang rape them as soon as they are unconscious. They take their nude photos and video movies. They show them when they are conscious and blackmail them to be exploited physically and financially.
They even order them to bring few of their friends ( girls) along with them next time. They repeat the same thing with their friends as well. The racket grows.
There have been so many cases.
Unlike West , The girls will not open her mouth and tell to her family because of the fear of family elders. Even if some girl will tell her family members , they will try to keep her silent becasue this exposure can do damage to family prestige and honour.
In the end the girl is badly exploited .
Either she is converted to Islam and made muslim.
Or she is sold to the prostitute pimps ( who are muslims majority) for prostitution . The money they get is used to lure and trap new girls to repeat the same menace.
In public the girl is forced to give statements in favour of Islam and she is even forced to confess that she loves so and so muslim boy and she willingly went with him because muslim boys and his friends threaten her to do so and they also do Islamic Ritual Slaughter ( Halal) of animals in front of her and threaten her that If she dare to open her mouth in front of police , media or anyone else , They will make sure that she and her family members are also murdered in the same cruel way.............
This is the real story of thousands of Indian ( Non Muslim ) girls. I know this because two of my friends suffered this hell .
One of them was forced to convert to Islam and produce dozen kids and pray five times to allah .
Second friend committed suicide.
I wrote to many influential people and media but they are afraid to take up the issue as muslims are involved in this episode and taking this issue can prompt any Mulla to give a call of Jehad to his Friday worshippers and his office can be ransacked and he can be murdered in broad daylight. and Politicians don't wont to speak any word because they are afraid of loosing muslim votes because 200 million muslims in India are almost 20 % and they vote en masse and this matters a lot in Democracy like India.............
This could be happen to any girl now ...........and its growing in almost every city.
Every year 100,000 Hindu & Sikh girls are eloping with muslims by way of rape & blackmail.
Submitted by Nisha (India), May 29, 2007 at 09:57
I agree with you . As an Indian living in capital Delhi , I know many cases where Muslims posing as Hindu boys meet and date educated Hindu / Sikh girls , they are show their love and care , As soon as the girl agrees to go to date with a muslim boy , he give them drugs ( sleeping pills) in tea / coffee and gang rape them as soon as they are unconscious. They take their nude photos and video movies. They show them when they are conscious and blackmail them to be exploited physically and financially.
They even order them to bring few of their friends ( girls) along with them next time. They repeat the same thing with their friends as well. The racket grows.
There have been so many cases.
Unlike West , The girls will not open her mouth and tell to her family because of the fear of family elders. Even if some girl will tell her family members , they will try to keep her silent becasue this exposure can do damage to family prestige and honour.
In the end the girl is badly exploited .
Either she is converted to Islam and made muslim.
Or she is sold to the prostitute pimps ( who are muslims majority) for prostitution . The money they get is used to lure and trap new girls to repeat the same menace.
In public the girl is forced to give statements in favour of Islam and she is even forced to confess that she loves so and so muslim boy and she willingly went with him because muslim boys and his friends threaten her to do so and they also do Islamic Ritual Slaughter ( Halal) of animals in front of her and threaten her that If she dare to open her mouth in front of police , media or anyone else , They will make sure that she and her family members are also murdered in the same cruel way.............
This is the real story of thousands of Indian ( Non Muslim ) girls. I know this because two of my friends suffered this hell .
One of them was forced to convert to Islam and produce dozen kids and pray five times to allah .
Second friend committed suicide.
I wrote to many influential people and media but they are afraid to take up the issue as muslims are involved in this episode and taking this issue can prompt any Mulla to give a call of Jehad to his Friday worshippers and his office can be ransacked and he can be murdered in broad daylight. and Politicians don't wont to speak any word because they are afraid of loosing muslim votes because 200 million muslims in India are almost 20 % and they vote en masse and this matters a lot in Democracy like India.............
This could be happen to any girl now ...........and its growing in almost every city.
The Hindu Art of Self Hate
By: Shachi Rairikar
January 22, 2005
(The author is a Chartered Accountant working in a software company in Indore , MP, India and manage
The Hindu talent for self-condemnation does not find a parallel anywhere in the world.
The art of self-hate is what the Hindus have mastered in during the latter half of the last century.
The politicians, media, so-called secularists, intellectuals, human-rights activists who never tire condemning Hindus are themselves Hindus.
The greatest enemies of the Hindus today are the Hindus themselves.
Understanding the Hindu mind is not difficult.
Let us try and analyse our mentality - the Hindu mentality.
Whenever there is a problem with some other community, which is harming the Hindus, how do we address the problem? We have two options – we acknowledge the problem and take action for its resolution or we do not acknowledge the problem.
What if we acknowledge this problem? – We will have to take steps to resolve it, interact with the other community in question; there might be confrontation and agitation; we will have to "fight".
What if we do not acknowledge the problem at all. Nothing happens – no confrontation, no agitation, no "fight".
The adverse effects of the problem can be tolerated – after all, it is easier to tolerate than to fight.
What if grave consequences will have to be faced in the years to come? At the moment we are comfortable with few adjustments and compromises, so why worry about the future?
Who cares if to make today more comfortable we make tomorrow bleak?
How do we address the problem then? The easier course of actions is to blame our own people for being communal, narrow-minded fundamentalists.
After all, it is much easier to confront the Hindus as they are less aggressive and less violent . Fighting the real enemy would require a lot of courage so we choose to make the enemy look saintly and turn against our own people.
We find faults with our own people rather than addressing those who are actually at the crux of the problem .
So our politicians, media and the so called secularists and intellectuals call the Hindus communal and fundamentalists, responsible for rioting but never have the courage to criticize the Jehadi terrorists; and the human rights activists agitate for the human rights of the terrorists, never caring for the human rights of the victims of terrorism.
So we don't acknowledge that the rising Muslim population is a threat to the integrity of our country and to the very existence of the Hindu civilization.
What if we have faced a vivisection of our Motherland when the Muslim population became one third of the country's population?
What if the only Muslim majority state Kashmir saw the driving away of the Hindu minority from their homeland ?
That is history and we Hindus have an excellent record of not learning anything from history.
Even though the current trends and figures clearly reveal that we are heading towards a second partition, our intellectuals and media refuse to acknowledge this. Instead, they are criticizing our people who conducted demographic studies on the basis of religion.
They find census figures on the basis of religion completely irrelevant and uncalled for in a "secular" country like India. The larger threat facing the country becomes a non-issue whereas whether religious demographics should be studied as a principle or the technical errors like the publication of wrong data on the first day become the issue.
The idea is to take the attention away from the larger issues and focus on the non-issues, so that we don't have to address the real issues.
To address the real issue we will need to talk to our Muslim community, persuade them to go against Islam and practise family planning, persuade them to not shelter but report the illegal Bangladeshi immigrants staying in their colonies, we will need to confront and "fight".
We quietly look for an escape route, don't acknowledge that the problem exists and condemn those who perceive it, then there is no confrontation and we need not "fight".
Thus, when Uma Bharati gets arrested for hoisting the national flag on "disputed ground", we do not question how and why a ground became "disputed" for hoisting the national flag, we do not question the loyalty of the community whose "sentiments" get "hurt" by the hoisting of the national flag, instead we blame her for indulging in communal politics and criticize her for using the national flag to play with the sentiments of the people.
When the Shankaracharya gets arrested on the charges of murder, we do not see the conspiracy and evil motive behind it, instead we start doubting his innocence and character and start discussing "equality before the law". When riots break out in the aftermath of Godhra, we condemn the rioters as communal fundamentalists but do not say a word to those who started it all by torching a train full of Hindus. Instead we conduct an enquiry to prove that the Hindus had themselves deliberately started the fire in order to have justified grounds to riot.
Thus, we cannot perceive a threat to the country's integrity from illegal Bangladeshi immigrants, we cannot acknowledge that the terrorism faced in India and throughout the world is Islamic terrorism, we cannot see the merits of teaching the real history of the atrocities of the Muslim invaders, we cannot change the British education system, we cannot regulate the madrasas which breed terrorism, we cannot ban the missionaries who defame our religion and convert our tribals by unethical means and methods, we cannot feel pride in rebuilding our demolished temples, we cannot call India what it truly is – a Hindu Nation.
Thus, we condemn our own people who talk of driving away the Bangladeshis staying illegally in our country , we call our people who implement laws against terrorism communal, we call the teaching of the true history of India as "right-wing" history, we call the teaching of Vedic mathematics and astrology as "saffronisation" of education , we believe that the missionaries are doing great services for our tribals, we find the re-building of demolished temples a wasteful effort to dig up the past, we call India what it officially is - a secular country.
If we acknowledge all these problems, we will have to work towards their solution . The cowardly, escapist Hindu mentality refuses to acknowledge the problem, so the question of working towards a solution does not arise.
We do this under the pretext of Hinduism being secular, peace-loving and non-violent, but we accept and practise only those aspects of Hinduism which suit us.
Hindus spend time, money and energy in performing poojas, yagyas, Bhagwat path, visiting swamis and babas but when it comes to practicing the real philosophies of the Vedas and the Bhagwat Geeta, we back out.
We have forgotten the teachings of the Bhagwat Geeta which asks us to fight against the wrong – adharma.
We are using the tolerant and secular mask to hide our incapacity.
We have tampered and moulded the doctrine of ahimsa or non-violence to camouflage our inaction.
Not protesting against violence is in fact supporting and encouraging more violence, which is a greater sin.
What we are resorting to today is not tolerance, secularism or non-violence but cowardice.
Mahatma Gandhi had once said, "My own experiences but confirm the opinion that the Mussalman as a rule is a bully, and the Hindu is a coward; where there are cowards there will always be bullies ." Even this great apostle of peace and ahimsa had said, "I do believe that where there is only a choice between cowardice and violence I would advise violence ... but non-violence is infinitely superior to violence."
The ostrich mentality of the Hindus does not help make Bharat a better place to live in. Rather it endangers the very existence of the Hindu civilization.
Turning a blind eye to our problems will not solve the problems, instead it will only aggravate them . Nehruvian secularism has already left us with a legacy of complications and it would be sad if our successors were to inherit more. Playing the blind man's bluff is leading us to disaster.
It is high time we call a spade a spade, "fight" the real enemies or else it will be too late. It is time we pay heed to what Lord Krishna told Arjun:
"Klaibyam maa sma gamah Paarth naitatvayyupapadyatey
Kshudram hridaya daurbalyam tyaktovttishta Parantapa"
"O Arjun! Yield not to unmanliness for such an attitude is not worthy of you. Casting aside your weakness of mind, therefore arise, O scorcher of enemies, and get ready for the battle."
Shachi Rairikar
By: Shachi Rairikar
January 22, 2005
(The author is a Chartered Accountant working in a software company in Indore , MP, India and manage
The Hindu talent for self-condemnation does not find a parallel anywhere in the world.
The art of self-hate is what the Hindus have mastered in during the latter half of the last century.
The politicians, media, so-called secularists, intellectuals, human-rights activists who never tire condemning Hindus are themselves Hindus.
The greatest enemies of the Hindus today are the Hindus themselves.
Understanding the Hindu mind is not difficult.
Let us try and analyse our mentality - the Hindu mentality.
Whenever there is a problem with some other community, which is harming the Hindus, how do we address the problem? We have two options – we acknowledge the problem and take action for its resolution or we do not acknowledge the problem.
What if we acknowledge this problem? – We will have to take steps to resolve it, interact with the other community in question; there might be confrontation and agitation; we will have to "fight".
What if we do not acknowledge the problem at all. Nothing happens – no confrontation, no agitation, no "fight".
The adverse effects of the problem can be tolerated – after all, it is easier to tolerate than to fight.
What if grave consequences will have to be faced in the years to come? At the moment we are comfortable with few adjustments and compromises, so why worry about the future?
Who cares if to make today more comfortable we make tomorrow bleak?
How do we address the problem then? The easier course of actions is to blame our own people for being communal, narrow-minded fundamentalists.
After all, it is much easier to confront the Hindus as they are less aggressive and less violent . Fighting the real enemy would require a lot of courage so we choose to make the enemy look saintly and turn against our own people.
We find faults with our own people rather than addressing those who are actually at the crux of the problem .
So our politicians, media and the so called secularists and intellectuals call the Hindus communal and fundamentalists, responsible for rioting but never have the courage to criticize the Jehadi terrorists; and the human rights activists agitate for the human rights of the terrorists, never caring for the human rights of the victims of terrorism.
So we don't acknowledge that the rising Muslim population is a threat to the integrity of our country and to the very existence of the Hindu civilization.
What if we have faced a vivisection of our Motherland when the Muslim population became one third of the country's population?
What if the only Muslim majority state Kashmir saw the driving away of the Hindu minority from their homeland ?
That is history and we Hindus have an excellent record of not learning anything from history.
Even though the current trends and figures clearly reveal that we are heading towards a second partition, our intellectuals and media refuse to acknowledge this. Instead, they are criticizing our people who conducted demographic studies on the basis of religion.
They find census figures on the basis of religion completely irrelevant and uncalled for in a "secular" country like India. The larger threat facing the country becomes a non-issue whereas whether religious demographics should be studied as a principle or the technical errors like the publication of wrong data on the first day become the issue.
The idea is to take the attention away from the larger issues and focus on the non-issues, so that we don't have to address the real issues.
To address the real issue we will need to talk to our Muslim community, persuade them to go against Islam and practise family planning, persuade them to not shelter but report the illegal Bangladeshi immigrants staying in their colonies, we will need to confront and "fight".
We quietly look for an escape route, don't acknowledge that the problem exists and condemn those who perceive it, then there is no confrontation and we need not "fight".
Thus, when Uma Bharati gets arrested for hoisting the national flag on "disputed ground", we do not question how and why a ground became "disputed" for hoisting the national flag, we do not question the loyalty of the community whose "sentiments" get "hurt" by the hoisting of the national flag, instead we blame her for indulging in communal politics and criticize her for using the national flag to play with the sentiments of the people.
When the Shankaracharya gets arrested on the charges of murder, we do not see the conspiracy and evil motive behind it, instead we start doubting his innocence and character and start discussing "equality before the law". When riots break out in the aftermath of Godhra, we condemn the rioters as communal fundamentalists but do not say a word to those who started it all by torching a train full of Hindus. Instead we conduct an enquiry to prove that the Hindus had themselves deliberately started the fire in order to have justified grounds to riot.
Thus, we cannot perceive a threat to the country's integrity from illegal Bangladeshi immigrants, we cannot acknowledge that the terrorism faced in India and throughout the world is Islamic terrorism, we cannot see the merits of teaching the real history of the atrocities of the Muslim invaders, we cannot change the British education system, we cannot regulate the madrasas which breed terrorism, we cannot ban the missionaries who defame our religion and convert our tribals by unethical means and methods, we cannot feel pride in rebuilding our demolished temples, we cannot call India what it truly is – a Hindu Nation.
Thus, we condemn our own people who talk of driving away the Bangladeshis staying illegally in our country , we call our people who implement laws against terrorism communal, we call the teaching of the true history of India as "right-wing" history, we call the teaching of Vedic mathematics and astrology as "saffronisation" of education , we believe that the missionaries are doing great services for our tribals, we find the re-building of demolished temples a wasteful effort to dig up the past, we call India what it officially is - a secular country.
If we acknowledge all these problems, we will have to work towards their solution . The cowardly, escapist Hindu mentality refuses to acknowledge the problem, so the question of working towards a solution does not arise.
We do this under the pretext of Hinduism being secular, peace-loving and non-violent, but we accept and practise only those aspects of Hinduism which suit us.
Hindus spend time, money and energy in performing poojas, yagyas, Bhagwat path, visiting swamis and babas but when it comes to practicing the real philosophies of the Vedas and the Bhagwat Geeta, we back out.
We have forgotten the teachings of the Bhagwat Geeta which asks us to fight against the wrong – adharma.
We are using the tolerant and secular mask to hide our incapacity.
We have tampered and moulded the doctrine of ahimsa or non-violence to camouflage our inaction.
Not protesting against violence is in fact supporting and encouraging more violence, which is a greater sin.
What we are resorting to today is not tolerance, secularism or non-violence but cowardice.
Mahatma Gandhi had once said, "My own experiences but confirm the opinion that the Mussalman as a rule is a bully, and the Hindu is a coward; where there are cowards there will always be bullies ." Even this great apostle of peace and ahimsa had said, "I do believe that where there is only a choice between cowardice and violence I would advise violence ... but non-violence is infinitely superior to violence."
The ostrich mentality of the Hindus does not help make Bharat a better place to live in. Rather it endangers the very existence of the Hindu civilization.
Turning a blind eye to our problems will not solve the problems, instead it will only aggravate them . Nehruvian secularism has already left us with a legacy of complications and it would be sad if our successors were to inherit more. Playing the blind man's bluff is leading us to disaster.
It is high time we call a spade a spade, "fight" the real enemies or else it will be too late. It is time we pay heed to what Lord Krishna told Arjun:
"Klaibyam maa sma gamah Paarth naitatvayyupapadyatey
Kshudram hridaya daurbalyam tyaktovttishta Parantapa"
"O Arjun! Yield not to unmanliness for such an attitude is not worthy of you. Casting aside your weakness of mind, therefore arise, O scorcher of enemies, and get ready for the battle."
Shachi Rairikar
Maharishi Channel worth watching
It's nice to see white Hindus chanting Dev Bhasha Sanskrit).
It's nice to see white Hindus chanting Dev Bhasha Sanskrit).
Akhil Viswa Gayatri Pariwar has recently launched its Hindi website which can be accessed at
http://hindi. ?gayatri/
Also, a large majority of the volumes of the Hindi version of the spiritual magazine "
Akhand Jyoti" (which is published by Gayatri Pariwar since 1940 and has nearly 6 lakh subscription base) are now online at
http://www.awgp. org/gamma/ AkhandJyotiHindi
Hope you enjoy the articles in Akhand Jyoti..
Vipul Patel, Allentown, PA USA
Akhil Viswa Gayatri Pariwar has recently launched its Hindi website which can be accessed at
http://hindi. ?gayatri/
Also, a large majority of the volumes of the Hindi version of the spiritual magazine "
Akhand Jyoti" (which is published by Gayatri Pariwar since 1940 and has nearly 6 lakh subscription base) are now online at
http://www.awgp. org/gamma/ AkhandJyotiHindi
Hope you enjoy the articles in Akhand Jyoti..
Vipul Patel, Allentown, PA USA
Faith, fact and fiction
Ashok MalikThe PioneerSeptember 15, 2007
Ram is make-believe, Dwarka did not exist, the Saraswati is a myth.
But how much have the Archaeological Survey of India and its politicalcollaborators done to honestly excavate India's antiquity?For an entity contemplating an early election, the UPA Government'spropensity to create controversies is remarkable.
In an affidavitfiled before the Supreme Court, the Archaeological Survey of India(ASI) has insisted that there is no "historical record" to validatethe Ramayan and, as such, Ram is a fictional character.
The case commenced after a petition filed by Mr Subramanian Swamy, theJanata Party president, seeking curbs on the Sethusamudram ShippingCanal Project. It argued that the project would cut and destroy the'Ram Setu', saying it was an ancient monument revered by Hindus as thebridge Ram built to journey to Lanka.It is important to note the Government's affidavit represented a shiftin the debate.
The ASI could have stopped at saying that the Ram Setuwas a naturally occurring formation, not man-made. Yet, it crossed itsbrief and labelled Ram himself as fictional.
This upset even those whowere not necessarily adherents of the Ram Setu.
There are three issues that flow from the affidavit.
First, thefamiliar bunch of Jawaharlal Nehru University alumni and Delhieditorial writers has defended the ASI's affidavit as a citation of"science". Actually, this unifocal attack on the faith-based aspect ofthe anti-Sethusamudram protests suits the establishment just fine.
The Government has never quite explained the environmental imbalancethat can be caused by smashing an ancient (natural) structure.Christian fishermen off the coast of Tamil Nadu -- who have no reasonto venerate Ram's bridge -- already fear for their livelihood.
That aside, projections have been made about the economicnon-viability of Sethusamudram. It is possible that all of these arewrong, but the Government has not bothered to politically sell theissue. Instead, the overriding reasons for pushing ahead seem to begranting lucrative dredging contracts to flunkies of the DMK and itsMinisters.
Second, while the Prince of Ayodhya did not live 1.7 million years ago-- as some have claimed -- is the Ram story all myth? Granted, an oralstory-telling tradition has ample scope for exaggeration; Ram probablydid not fly back from Lanka on an airplane called the Pushpak Viman.Yet, is there no kernel of truth or historicity to his legend?
Consider a Greek analogy. For centuries, the Illiad and the saga ofthe Trojan War were dismissed as Homer's imagination. The Greeks,under foreign rule, were told the cherished epics they raised theirchildren on were nonsense; to borrow from the ASI's affidavit, they"cannot be said to be historical record to incontrovertibly prove theexistence of the characters or the occurrence of the events depictedtherein".
It took Heinrich Schliemann, a classical history buff and amateurarchaeologist, 20 years of excavation in the 1870s and 1880s toestablish that Achilles and Hector did actually fight to the deathoutside the gates of Troy.
Where are India's Schliemanns? Not in the ASI.Professional integrity demands archaeologists and historians attemptto authenticate popular legends.
From the life of Jesus to the timesof David and Moses, the Bible has lent itself to such endeavour in theChristian and Judaic worlds. In Britain, identifying the real KingArthur and mapping his kingdom has been an honest intellectualpursuit.
What is the ASI's record?A serious, rigorous archaeological expedition that attempts tocross-verify the story as told in the Ramayan will take years, perhapsdecades.
The ASI has not even begun the task. Nevertheless it is happyto announce Ram is a fabrication.
The case of India's other great folkhero, Krishna, is illuminating. Even after evidence is available of acity submerged off the coast of Gujarat -- roughly corresponding toscriptural accounts of the destruction of Dwarka by a tsunami-likewave -- attempts are made to undermine the findings.
There is cussedinsistence that the "underwater city" is not, in fact, Krishna'scapital. It may not be; but how do the Culture Ministry's bureaucratsknow?Third, is it correct to see the past only as a backward extension ofpresent prejudices? Over the centuries, rivers have changed course anddeserts have shifted sands. In the process, they have rendered citiesderelict, effaced whole civilisations.
From north Africa to westernChina, the exploration of these 'lost histories' is a subject ofintense national pride.In contrast, what has India done with the quest for the Saraswaticivilisation?
In December 2004, the UPA Government told Parliament itwas abandoning the Saraswati River Heritage Project. The project wasmeant to carry out excavations and trace the route the Saraswati tookbefore it dried up. Its budget was a mere Rs 4.98 crore. Yet, theCulture Minister announced it was being shut down; the search for theSaraswati was not worth it.In the Rajya Sabha, a CPI(M) MP, Mr Nilotpal Basu, demanded to knowwho had formulated the Saraswati Heritage Project. Obviously, he wasseeking to target individuals in the previous NDA Government.
Many Hindus remember the Saraswati in their daily prayers. Even so,the search for the river is as much a secular imperative as afaith-based one. The Saraswati and the societies and cultures thatgrew and fell by its side are a part of our legacy; a forensicexamination of these, if possible, would tell us how our ancestorslived and worked, ate and entertained.
This should be a nationalenterprise, with ample resources and time dedicated to it; it shouldnot be a political football.In the end, whether it is the historicity of Ram, of Dwarka or of theSaraswati age, it is not so much a matter of what we know -- but ofwhat we care to find out. Is this religious mumbo jumbo or is itracial memory? That compelling question determines any view of theASI's affidavit.
"Generation who ignores History ,History repeats itself."
Therefore Jews keeps reminding it' s generation about HOLOCAST .
Ashok MalikThe PioneerSeptember 15, 2007
Ram is make-believe, Dwarka did not exist, the Saraswati is a myth.
But how much have the Archaeological Survey of India and its politicalcollaborators done to honestly excavate India's antiquity?For an entity contemplating an early election, the UPA Government'spropensity to create controversies is remarkable.
In an affidavitfiled before the Supreme Court, the Archaeological Survey of India(ASI) has insisted that there is no "historical record" to validatethe Ramayan and, as such, Ram is a fictional character.
The case commenced after a petition filed by Mr Subramanian Swamy, theJanata Party president, seeking curbs on the Sethusamudram ShippingCanal Project. It argued that the project would cut and destroy the'Ram Setu', saying it was an ancient monument revered by Hindus as thebridge Ram built to journey to Lanka.It is important to note the Government's affidavit represented a shiftin the debate.
The ASI could have stopped at saying that the Ram Setuwas a naturally occurring formation, not man-made. Yet, it crossed itsbrief and labelled Ram himself as fictional.
This upset even those whowere not necessarily adherents of the Ram Setu.
There are three issues that flow from the affidavit.
First, thefamiliar bunch of Jawaharlal Nehru University alumni and Delhieditorial writers has defended the ASI's affidavit as a citation of"science". Actually, this unifocal attack on the faith-based aspect ofthe anti-Sethusamudram protests suits the establishment just fine.
The Government has never quite explained the environmental imbalancethat can be caused by smashing an ancient (natural) structure.Christian fishermen off the coast of Tamil Nadu -- who have no reasonto venerate Ram's bridge -- already fear for their livelihood.
That aside, projections have been made about the economicnon-viability of Sethusamudram. It is possible that all of these arewrong, but the Government has not bothered to politically sell theissue. Instead, the overriding reasons for pushing ahead seem to begranting lucrative dredging contracts to flunkies of the DMK and itsMinisters.
Second, while the Prince of Ayodhya did not live 1.7 million years ago-- as some have claimed -- is the Ram story all myth? Granted, an oralstory-telling tradition has ample scope for exaggeration; Ram probablydid not fly back from Lanka on an airplane called the Pushpak Viman.Yet, is there no kernel of truth or historicity to his legend?
Consider a Greek analogy. For centuries, the Illiad and the saga ofthe Trojan War were dismissed as Homer's imagination. The Greeks,under foreign rule, were told the cherished epics they raised theirchildren on were nonsense; to borrow from the ASI's affidavit, they"cannot be said to be historical record to incontrovertibly prove theexistence of the characters or the occurrence of the events depictedtherein".
It took Heinrich Schliemann, a classical history buff and amateurarchaeologist, 20 years of excavation in the 1870s and 1880s toestablish that Achilles and Hector did actually fight to the deathoutside the gates of Troy.
Where are India's Schliemanns? Not in the ASI.Professional integrity demands archaeologists and historians attemptto authenticate popular legends.
From the life of Jesus to the timesof David and Moses, the Bible has lent itself to such endeavour in theChristian and Judaic worlds. In Britain, identifying the real KingArthur and mapping his kingdom has been an honest intellectualpursuit.
What is the ASI's record?A serious, rigorous archaeological expedition that attempts tocross-verify the story as told in the Ramayan will take years, perhapsdecades.
The ASI has not even begun the task. Nevertheless it is happyto announce Ram is a fabrication.
The case of India's other great folkhero, Krishna, is illuminating. Even after evidence is available of acity submerged off the coast of Gujarat -- roughly corresponding toscriptural accounts of the destruction of Dwarka by a tsunami-likewave -- attempts are made to undermine the findings.
There is cussedinsistence that the "underwater city" is not, in fact, Krishna'scapital. It may not be; but how do the Culture Ministry's bureaucratsknow?Third, is it correct to see the past only as a backward extension ofpresent prejudices? Over the centuries, rivers have changed course anddeserts have shifted sands. In the process, they have rendered citiesderelict, effaced whole civilisations.
From north Africa to westernChina, the exploration of these 'lost histories' is a subject ofintense national pride.In contrast, what has India done with the quest for the Saraswaticivilisation?
In December 2004, the UPA Government told Parliament itwas abandoning the Saraswati River Heritage Project. The project wasmeant to carry out excavations and trace the route the Saraswati tookbefore it dried up. Its budget was a mere Rs 4.98 crore. Yet, theCulture Minister announced it was being shut down; the search for theSaraswati was not worth it.In the Rajya Sabha, a CPI(M) MP, Mr Nilotpal Basu, demanded to knowwho had formulated the Saraswati Heritage Project. Obviously, he wasseeking to target individuals in the previous NDA Government.
Many Hindus remember the Saraswati in their daily prayers. Even so,the search for the river is as much a secular imperative as afaith-based one. The Saraswati and the societies and cultures thatgrew and fell by its side are a part of our legacy; a forensicexamination of these, if possible, would tell us how our ancestorslived and worked, ate and entertained.
This should be a nationalenterprise, with ample resources and time dedicated to it; it shouldnot be a political football.In the end, whether it is the historicity of Ram, of Dwarka or of theSaraswati age, it is not so much a matter of what we know -- but ofwhat we care to find out. Is this religious mumbo jumbo or is itracial memory? That compelling question determines any view of theASI's affidavit.
"Generation who ignores History ,History repeats itself."
Therefore Jews keeps reminding it' s generation about HOLOCAST .
Non- Violent philosophy is curse for Hindus
Most of the Muslims are violent people while Hindus are non-violent people.
Nonviolence" towards the people who are "violent" is a contribution towards VIOLENCE.
"Sarva Dharm Sam bhav " who believe in "EK DHARM SAM BHAV" and that is mine one only----is not a contribution towards "SARV DHARM SAM BHAV""Tolerance"of those who are "intolerant" of every other religionists is not contribution towards TOLERANCE.
Have they ever sung "ISHWAR ALLAH TERO NAM " in Masjids? Or secular people want Hindus only to give concessions to Muslims? all the time.
Hindus should be a realist not a dreamer?
Your daughters and sisters even if raped by-------------- and you want to talk of Aman / Shanti with them? Peace with those? All Hindus have been thrown out of Pakistan .
WHAT IS the AMAN / SHANTI of Muslims doing in Pakistan ? People who give advise to Hindus to be non-violent should GO TO PAKISTAN and BANGLA DESH and hold the dialogue there with Muslims. Non violence is needed in Muslim countries not in Bharat and other secular and democratic countries.
The over dose of nonviolence and peace slogans have destroyed Bhaarat first by Buddha and as a result we lost Sindh in 712 A.D. to MOHAMMAD BIN KASIM because Buddhists collaborated with invading Islamic forces against Hindus.
Hindu king Dhir whose daughters were taken to Baghdad were their hairs were tied to the tail of horses and horses were made to run until these princesses were dead and rest of history as we know was the worst for Hindus and we are still paying the price in blood, death, assassinations, kidnap, rape, torture, highjaking, betrayals, sabotage, cheating, humiliation and conversion by Muslims.
Gandhi has been made famous for non-violence but he supported the violence of Muslims.
Gandhi who evaded the truth!
Gandhi who broke the vow taken with God as witness!
On 22nd August 1906, the South African Government of Transvaal issued an ordinance stating that every Hindu, Arab and Turkish individual above the age of 8 years should submit the details of identification marks, finger imprints and name, in order to acquire a certificate.
On 12th September Gandhi passed a resolution against this act in a meeting attended by nearly 3000 representatives. All the 3000 representatives vowed to oppose the ordinance with God as witness. Gandhi condemned the ten fingerprints' permit so vehemently that people felt ashamed to acquire the permit openly.
This agitation continued till Jan 1908. Gandhi was arrested and released in the meantime. Eventually he came to a compromise with General Smuts who agreed to the ten fingerprints. Later in a meeting of Hindu representatives he explained the points of compromise to them.
One of the Pathans (who had also taken the vow) pinpointed the contradictions in Gandhi's words and deeds and asked, "How can you ask us to break a vow we have taken?" As usual Gandhi played upon his words and avoided answering him directly. Hence when Gandhi was going to give his fingerprints, a Pathan named Mir Alam attacked him.
(Ref- Shodh Mahatma Gandhincha; vol-1 author- Arun Sarathi )
Gandhi murdered truth for own publicity!
Riots broke loose at Delhi , Punjab , Ahemdabad and Kheda because of the Rowlatt movement. As the rumor of Anusuyaben Sarabhai's arrest spread, riots took place in Ahemdabad.
There were riots in Punjab because of Dr. Kichlu and Dr. Satyapal's arrest.
There was firing in Delhi ; yet Gandhi was not arrested.
Even then his letters and communications during that period, state that riots took place because he was arrested.
To gain popularity Gandhi turned and twisted the truth.
(Ref- Shodh Mahatma Gandhincha Vol-1; author- Arun Sarathi )
Gandhi who did not live up to the promises made during the Khilafat Movement!
During the Khilafat movement Gandhi had promised, "As long as my Muslim friends behave with restraint in acquiring their legal demands and till I believe that they do not wish tyranny, I will cooperate with them. The moment they become violent I will stop assisting them and will tell not every Hindu but all other individuals to stop assisting them."
Later on, during the non-cooperation movement, the Mopla Muslims in Malabar revolted and committed atrocities on the Hindus on a very large scale. As promised by Gandhi to the nation, it was expected that he would sever all connections with the non-cooperation movement and guide others also to follow suit; but Gandhi (who was loyal to truth?) broke his promise by doing nothing that was expected of him.
(Ref- Shodh Mahatma Gandhincha Vol-1; author- Arun Sarathi)
Gandhi resorted to untruth to flatter the Muslims!
During the commotion which ensued the Khilafat movement, the atmosphere turned violent.
At this juncture a deputy commissioner named Willowby was murdered. Maulana Abdul Bari and Shaukat Ali spoke objectionably against this incident at a public meeting held in Lucknow .
Under this pretext the Christian barrister Mr. Douglas backed out from the task of assisting the non-cooperation movement. After this incident, Gandhi commented in the Issues of the newspaper 'Young India ' and ' Nav jeevan' of 3 Nov'1920 that the news about Mr. Douglas withdrawing from the movement due to the objectionable statements of Bari and Ali was baseless. This was an utterly untruthful explanation given by Gandhi, similar to the politicians of today.
(Ref- Shodh Mahatma Gandhincha Vol-2; author- Arun Sarathi)
Gandhi who forced non-cooperation upon the nation, through falsehood!
In the Congress session at Calcutta out of the 5000 representatives, 1855 representatives voted for and 873 representatives voted against the Non-cooperation movement, while 2200 of them did not arrive at any decision. Senior national leaders like Bipinchandra Pal, Chittaranjan Das , Barrister Jinnah, Mrs. Annie Besant had opposed this resolution.
Only the Ali brothers and Motilal Nehru supported Gandhi. Even so, in the Issue of 'Young India ', Gandhi wrote, "The analysis of the votes makes it evident that the nation is in favour of non-cooperation." Thus he evaded the truth.
(Ref- Shodh Mahatma Gandhincha Vol-2; author- Arun Sarathi)
Gandhi treads upon the truth in order to acquire power!
After getting hold over the Congress in 1920, Gandhi tried to bring under control its other branches. Gandhi became the President of 'Home Rule League' after Annie Besant resigned. After renaming it as 'Swarajya Sabha' when Gandhi called for an emergency meeting to reform its constitution, only 61 members attended it. The resolution of reforms was passed after 43 members voted for and 18 voted against it. Jinnah stressed that two-third majority was needed in order to pass the resolution. When Gandhi rejected this plea, Jinnah resigned. Behaving in accordance with the proverb 'All is fair in politics' and going against the constitution, Gandhi once again evaded the truth.
(Ref- Shodh Mahatma Gandhincha Vol-2; author- Arun Sarathi)
Gandhi's contradictions regarding truth!
1. Pandit. Madan Mohan Malviya wired to Gandhi from England to oppose the arrival of the Prince of England and his participation in the round table conference. Jamanadas, Dwarkadas and Kunjuru too met Gandhi at Sabarmati regarding the same issue. At that time Jinnah and Barrister. Jaykar were also present. Gandhi later went back on the assurance he had given during that meeting.
2. In a letter addressed to Gandhi on 18 March 1947 Nirmalkumar wrote, "In your case I have observed that when discussion related to your close associates commences, instead of giving priority to the truth you tend to be partial to them."
From all the exposition above you must have realised that 'Truth' was what only Gandhi thought. Gandhi's conception of truth had reached a state of decline, hence many a time he turned away from his words; many a time he modified his statements and upheld his decisions and actions.
(Ref- Shodh Mahatma Gandhincha Vol-2; author- Arun Sarathi )
The Mahatma who failed to understand the truth!
Gandhi said, "God is truth." which is acceptable but what exactly is the truth?
Is it that which is beyond one's understanding? Truth is that which Gandhi always failed to understand. (Ref- Gurudev Kateswamiji in Ghangarjit, April 2005)
Most of the Muslims are violent people while Hindus are non-violent people.
Nonviolence" towards the people who are "violent" is a contribution towards VIOLENCE.
"Sarva Dharm Sam bhav " who believe in "EK DHARM SAM BHAV" and that is mine one only----is not a contribution towards "SARV DHARM SAM BHAV""Tolerance"of those who are "intolerant" of every other religionists is not contribution towards TOLERANCE.
Have they ever sung "ISHWAR ALLAH TERO NAM " in Masjids? Or secular people want Hindus only to give concessions to Muslims? all the time.
Hindus should be a realist not a dreamer?
Your daughters and sisters even if raped by-------------- and you want to talk of Aman / Shanti with them? Peace with those? All Hindus have been thrown out of Pakistan .
WHAT IS the AMAN / SHANTI of Muslims doing in Pakistan ? People who give advise to Hindus to be non-violent should GO TO PAKISTAN and BANGLA DESH and hold the dialogue there with Muslims. Non violence is needed in Muslim countries not in Bharat and other secular and democratic countries.
The over dose of nonviolence and peace slogans have destroyed Bhaarat first by Buddha and as a result we lost Sindh in 712 A.D. to MOHAMMAD BIN KASIM because Buddhists collaborated with invading Islamic forces against Hindus.
Hindu king Dhir whose daughters were taken to Baghdad were their hairs were tied to the tail of horses and horses were made to run until these princesses were dead and rest of history as we know was the worst for Hindus and we are still paying the price in blood, death, assassinations, kidnap, rape, torture, highjaking, betrayals, sabotage, cheating, humiliation and conversion by Muslims.
Gandhi has been made famous for non-violence but he supported the violence of Muslims.
Gandhi who evaded the truth!
Gandhi who broke the vow taken with God as witness!
On 22nd August 1906, the South African Government of Transvaal issued an ordinance stating that every Hindu, Arab and Turkish individual above the age of 8 years should submit the details of identification marks, finger imprints and name, in order to acquire a certificate.
On 12th September Gandhi passed a resolution against this act in a meeting attended by nearly 3000 representatives. All the 3000 representatives vowed to oppose the ordinance with God as witness. Gandhi condemned the ten fingerprints' permit so vehemently that people felt ashamed to acquire the permit openly.
This agitation continued till Jan 1908. Gandhi was arrested and released in the meantime. Eventually he came to a compromise with General Smuts who agreed to the ten fingerprints. Later in a meeting of Hindu representatives he explained the points of compromise to them.
One of the Pathans (who had also taken the vow) pinpointed the contradictions in Gandhi's words and deeds and asked, "How can you ask us to break a vow we have taken?" As usual Gandhi played upon his words and avoided answering him directly. Hence when Gandhi was going to give his fingerprints, a Pathan named Mir Alam attacked him.
(Ref- Shodh Mahatma Gandhincha; vol-1 author- Arun Sarathi )
Gandhi murdered truth for own publicity!
Riots broke loose at Delhi , Punjab , Ahemdabad and Kheda because of the Rowlatt movement. As the rumor of Anusuyaben Sarabhai's arrest spread, riots took place in Ahemdabad.
There were riots in Punjab because of Dr. Kichlu and Dr. Satyapal's arrest.
There was firing in Delhi ; yet Gandhi was not arrested.
Even then his letters and communications during that period, state that riots took place because he was arrested.
To gain popularity Gandhi turned and twisted the truth.
(Ref- Shodh Mahatma Gandhincha Vol-1; author- Arun Sarathi )
Gandhi who did not live up to the promises made during the Khilafat Movement!
During the Khilafat movement Gandhi had promised, "As long as my Muslim friends behave with restraint in acquiring their legal demands and till I believe that they do not wish tyranny, I will cooperate with them. The moment they become violent I will stop assisting them and will tell not every Hindu but all other individuals to stop assisting them."
Later on, during the non-cooperation movement, the Mopla Muslims in Malabar revolted and committed atrocities on the Hindus on a very large scale. As promised by Gandhi to the nation, it was expected that he would sever all connections with the non-cooperation movement and guide others also to follow suit; but Gandhi (who was loyal to truth?) broke his promise by doing nothing that was expected of him.
(Ref- Shodh Mahatma Gandhincha Vol-1; author- Arun Sarathi)
Gandhi resorted to untruth to flatter the Muslims!
During the commotion which ensued the Khilafat movement, the atmosphere turned violent.
At this juncture a deputy commissioner named Willowby was murdered. Maulana Abdul Bari and Shaukat Ali spoke objectionably against this incident at a public meeting held in Lucknow .
Under this pretext the Christian barrister Mr. Douglas backed out from the task of assisting the non-cooperation movement. After this incident, Gandhi commented in the Issues of the newspaper 'Young India ' and ' Nav jeevan' of 3 Nov'1920 that the news about Mr. Douglas withdrawing from the movement due to the objectionable statements of Bari and Ali was baseless. This was an utterly untruthful explanation given by Gandhi, similar to the politicians of today.
(Ref- Shodh Mahatma Gandhincha Vol-2; author- Arun Sarathi)
Gandhi who forced non-cooperation upon the nation, through falsehood!
In the Congress session at Calcutta out of the 5000 representatives, 1855 representatives voted for and 873 representatives voted against the Non-cooperation movement, while 2200 of them did not arrive at any decision. Senior national leaders like Bipinchandra Pal, Chittaranjan Das , Barrister Jinnah, Mrs. Annie Besant had opposed this resolution.
Only the Ali brothers and Motilal Nehru supported Gandhi. Even so, in the Issue of 'Young India ', Gandhi wrote, "The analysis of the votes makes it evident that the nation is in favour of non-cooperation." Thus he evaded the truth.
(Ref- Shodh Mahatma Gandhincha Vol-2; author- Arun Sarathi)
Gandhi treads upon the truth in order to acquire power!
After getting hold over the Congress in 1920, Gandhi tried to bring under control its other branches. Gandhi became the President of 'Home Rule League' after Annie Besant resigned. After renaming it as 'Swarajya Sabha' when Gandhi called for an emergency meeting to reform its constitution, only 61 members attended it. The resolution of reforms was passed after 43 members voted for and 18 voted against it. Jinnah stressed that two-third majority was needed in order to pass the resolution. When Gandhi rejected this plea, Jinnah resigned. Behaving in accordance with the proverb 'All is fair in politics' and going against the constitution, Gandhi once again evaded the truth.
(Ref- Shodh Mahatma Gandhincha Vol-2; author- Arun Sarathi)
Gandhi's contradictions regarding truth!
1. Pandit. Madan Mohan Malviya wired to Gandhi from England to oppose the arrival of the Prince of England and his participation in the round table conference. Jamanadas, Dwarkadas and Kunjuru too met Gandhi at Sabarmati regarding the same issue. At that time Jinnah and Barrister. Jaykar were also present. Gandhi later went back on the assurance he had given during that meeting.
2. In a letter addressed to Gandhi on 18 March 1947 Nirmalkumar wrote, "In your case I have observed that when discussion related to your close associates commences, instead of giving priority to the truth you tend to be partial to them."
From all the exposition above you must have realised that 'Truth' was what only Gandhi thought. Gandhi's conception of truth had reached a state of decline, hence many a time he turned away from his words; many a time he modified his statements and upheld his decisions and actions.
(Ref- Shodh Mahatma Gandhincha Vol-2; author- Arun Sarathi )
The Mahatma who failed to understand the truth!
Gandhi said, "God is truth." which is acceptable but what exactly is the truth?
Is it that which is beyond one's understanding? Truth is that which Gandhi always failed to understand. (Ref- Gurudev Kateswamiji in Ghangarjit, April 2005)
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