Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Poor Modi --Pooer Hindus

  1. From: setlurbadri
    Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2008 5:38 AM
    Subject: [prohindu] Poor Modi - Poorer Hindus

    POOR MODI – POORER HINDUS It does not surprise me if the Christists and Islamists target the Hindus.
  2. They are just doing what their religious dogmas prescribe. And worse, order them to do. Hindus targeting Hindus has ceased to surprise me because of the extensive abuse of the enormous freedom our religion gives us.
  3. If the former has to be fought tooth and nail, the latter is something we should not learn to live comfortably with. Satya Himsa Tathaiva Ca.
  4. Adharma in any form should be dealt with the righteousness of a Srotriya and the parakrama of a Kshatriya, in the larger interest of upholding our Dharma.Our Acharyas are the Pratikas of our Pantheon of Gods.
  5. Guru Bramha, Gurur Vishnu, Gurudevo Maheshwaraha, Guru Sakshat Parabramha, Tasmaisree Gurave Namaha.Learnt in our early child hood, the Guru is the embodiment of our Gods and Goddesses. And to Guru, we perform our SaranAgati. And to His lotus feet that we consign ourselves at the end of this arduous journey through life.
  6. When such a worshipful Guru is insulted, we have conveniently learnt how to comfortably go through various motions of life, as though nothing has happened. And when He is insulted a second time, we gleefully accept it with a happy Pongal.When our own Hindus are the offenders of such grievous Guru Droham, we shamelessly allow them to an alliance with us.
  7. And award them a fresh lease of political life to target our Dharma and our hoary Institutions, yet again.By arresting the Pujya Acharyas on the eve of the Diwali, Jayalalithaa sought to prove her secular credentials. '
  8. That she lost the subsequent election is not an equal punishment to her assault on Hindus. God must have surely reserved a more deserving punishment.
  9. By meeting Jayalalithaa on the eve of Pongal, more significantly dumping the visit to the Acharyas, Modi and the BJP have now proved their secular credentials. This Guru Droham is their passport to secularism. A passport that will not get the Visa stamped by the Hindu Bhaktas.
  10. That Jaya, Modi and the BJP chose to insult Hindu Bhaktas and Hindu Institutions like the revered Acharyas on the eve of two significant Hindu festivals is no sheer coincidence.The Diwali Lehiyam, which should taste bitter turned sweet. The Diwali sweets turned sour.
  11. The Sweet Pongal tastes bitter today.It was Happy Diwali in 2004. Now, Happy Pongal in 2008. Happy for whom?For Modi and the BJP who feasted on a 45 item lunch, that started off ironically with the Sweet Pongal?For the secular press-congi- commie-athiest bandwagon that constitute the UPA?Hindus like me are never seriously worried about what the latter think of our religion, for we can deal with the known enemies.
  12. But how do we deal with the enemies from within? How do we deal with the advisors of Modi and the BJP think-tank stalwarts, who we have so religiously considered as our friends and pinned so much hope on?
  13. How can the Sangha Parivar turn a Dritarashra on what has just happened on the eve of the Pongal?Does the BJP have the right to claim Hindu votes any more? How can it do an act of a chameleon to fall at the feet of the lady who chose to insult one of Adi Sankara's Mathams and His successors?If this is a trailer of things to come, I shudder to think what would happen to Hindus and Hindu Institutions should they be given power at Delhi. I
  14. t is easier to fight a christist government, than to defend ourselves from the Hindu pretenders alias Hindu predators.
  15. What is the guarantee that this would not give Jaya, the fresh lease of political life to start persecuting the Acharyas if she comes to power again? And hound other Acharyas with renewed hunger? Can anyone be so confident of this unstable lady that she would not threaten to pull out of the alliance if she is not allowed her ways with inflicting wanton injury on Hindu Institutions and its persona?
  16. Does one congratulatory note to Modi, a lavish luncheon spread with him and a support to Rama Sethu absolve her of the Guru Droham that she did on Kanchi?Can the VHP and the BJP assure the Hindus that her support for the Ram Sethu is not simply motivated because of Karunanidhi' s opposition to it?Is she a reliable ally?
  17. Does her earlier behavior support this? Is her support to Rama Sethu an adequate prayaschitha for her assault on Hindu Acharyas, the very pratiksas of our Hindu Dharma?Are we to believe the BJP is naïve, plain stupid or extremely arrogant and totally insensitive to Hindu sentiments and its 100% Hindu voters?If Modi's body language showed his discomfiture in the presence of the vain lady,
  18. Ravi Shankar Prasad looked like a school boy who was handed out his first 45 item spread. Beaming from ear to ear, he gushed at the menu like someone starved of food for generations. Will a 48 item dinner from some other political party make him reconsider his current position?To the large section of devout Hindus, the Chennai visit has not done any good to Modi's image. He has allowed his confidants to inflict a blemish on his carefully nourished righteousness. The source of this rich nourishment at the Poes Garden has led to strong indigestion to many of his earlier supporters, I included.This is certainly a blemish on Modi. Those who advised him and organized this have achieved their goal. He was advised NOT to meet the Acharyas. "She will not like that", they told him. "She will NOT receive him properly if he visits the Acharyas", they added. And the Kanchi was struck off his itinerary. Fight terrorism with all your might, Modi. We are with you. Not allying with those who unleash terrorism on Hindu Gurus and Hindu Institutions.
  19. BJP has already started its election mode in Tamil Nadu. Preserving every ounce of energy for repeated prostrations at the feet of Lalitha. Are we getting ready to be transported back to the blackmailing days of the Lalitha, Samata and Mamata?It must have been a Happy Pongal for the select few who organized his visit to meet Lalitha and advised him NOT to pay his obeisance to the Acharyas. These are the select few who are enemies of the Hindus from within. They have succeeded in taking some sheen off Modi. And now they must be enjoying their sweet Pongal. Poor Modi.And poorer Hindus who pinned hopes on him.

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