Thursday, May 8, 2008

Why Hindu Nation

What a timely and vital contribution on Roma (below). Congratulations to the esteemed writer for his knowledge and motivation.

We ask, "What kind of GOVERNMENT or PARLIAMENT do we have in PARTITIONED India that is only concerned with keeping the natives ignorant of their own "tribe" or family AT HOME and scattered far and wide, some due to previous INVASIONS as in the 11th century AD and some SINCE 1947 due to Partition and subsequent mismanagement, corruption and death or neglect of moral fibre and NATIVE religions of our nation as typified by Nehru's deletion of the word HINDU from his Constitution straight after CONCEDING Islam in our five provinces turned over to separatist ISLAM overnight, and later by arrogant rule by semi dictator Indira "Gandhi" (who married Feroze KHAN) and her notorious rootless son who brought a foreign female and became notorious as "BOFORS' Chor".
Among those badly or deliberately neglected and BETRAYED were the happy and peaceful Buddhists of Chittagong, Skardu, Baltistan and Gilgit and the Hindus of North & even South Kashmir, East Bengal and Sindh, and the prosperous INDIAN settlements in Uganda, Fiji and Northern Sri Lanka as well all the Shinti and Roma, the lost children of Bharatvarsha.
While Bharat was the lucrative target for all the PREDATORS from the Middle East and the Europeans until 1947 the country that was partitioned with more Muslims left inside than driven outside, has been virtually suffocating under ONE dynasty since. We see the power and might of Italian born Catholic Sonia "Gandhi" and even her offspring Priyenka and Rahul who are provided security at the expense of poor tax payers as if they were royalty.

Among the tragic victims of this neglect are the Roma and Shinti. A nationalist, and truly patriotic, Government would have taken stock of situation and created a special Ministry for recovery and consolidation of our lost and wasted assets.

There appears to be a sham of an office in Chandigarh that is supposed to be responsible for gypsies but its role has not been appreciated or even understood. Just recall the last international Roma Conference held there over a decade ago and see who was the "man from government"? Did he have a clue to the history of western India where repeated invasions drove the whole population away?

As long as the Hindu nation does not take stock of its own affairs and as long as the Hindu nation does not grasp the implications of partition of 1947 and snatch its destiny from dynasty, India will develop in a lopsided manner. We shall certainly go on admiring those big countries like China and small countries like Czech Republic and Lithuania where national affairs are firmly in the hands of natives.

There is NO sign of the likes of Khans of Boollywood there who mesmerise the nation, nor a prime minister's son or daughter becoming the prime minister. With regard to latter, let us see the gruelling dual between Obama and Hillary in the USA. How tenaciously are they FIGHTING for their own nomination. Had it been our own Bharatvarsha, Clinton's wife Hillary would have AUTOMATICALLY become the President after her husband.

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